Sentence Completion Mcqs

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Sentence Completion Mcqs for the preparation of NTS, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPSC, FPSC, OTS and other academic entry test and jobs tests.


16. Biological docks are of such —– adaptive value to living organisms, that we would expect most organisms —– to them

(a) Clear — avoid

(b) Meager — evolve

(c) Significant — eschew

(d) Obvious — possess


17. The alchemists, though they are often supposed have been —– or confidence tricksters, were actually skillful technologists

(a) Empiricists

(b) Polemicists

(c) Pragmatists

(d) Charlatans


18. Many people at that time believed that spices help preserve food; however, Hail found that many marketed spices were —– bacteria, moulds and yeasts

(a) Devoid of

(b) Teeming with

(c) Improved by

(d) Destroyed by


19. The formerly —– waters of the lake have been polluted so that the fish are no longer visible from the surface

(a) Muddy

(b) Tranquil

(C) Stagnant

(d) Pellucid


20. Change your —- and you change your world

(a)  Thoughts

(b) Name

(c) Job

(d) Sexuality


21. After the accident, the nerves to her arm were damaged and so the muscles —-through disuse.

(a) Atrophied

(b) Contracted

(c) Elongated

(d) Invigorated  


22. After grafting there is a —- of lymphocytes in the lymph glands; the newly produced lymphocytes then move in to attack the foreign tissue

(a) Diminution

(b) Proliferation

(c) Obliteration

(d) Paucity


23. Bullock carts and hand pumps seem —— in a village whose skyline is dominated by telephone cables and satellite dishes

(a) Anachronisms

(b) Exigencies

(c) Diversions

(d) Provocations


24. Corruption is —- in our society; the integrity of even senior officials is —- 

(a) Growing – unquestioned

(b) Endangered – disputed

(c) Pervasive – intact

(d) Rife – suspect


25. One who does not mix freely with others is called —-

(a) sociable

(b) Unsociable

(C) Reserved

(d) Theist


26. The teacher accused me —- of because my essay was so similar to that of another student

(a) Procrastination

(b) Plagiarism

(c) Celerity

(d) Confusion


27. A person who is too stubborn to admit is called —-

(a) oblique

(b) Obdurate

(c) Determined

(d) Fascinated


28. Doctrine that there is only one God is called —-

(a) Dualism

(b) Communism

(c) Monotheism

(d) Nihilism


29. Communication between mind and mind is called —– 

(a) Telephone

(b) Armistice

(c) Telepathy

(d) Tell-tale


30. The explorer was unable to —– his thirst at the stream since an enraged Grizzly bear barred the way

(a) Assuage

(b) Parch

(c) Savor

(d) Describe

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