Sentence Completion Mcqs

Sentence Completion Mcqs for the preparation of NTS, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPSC, FPSC, OTS and other academic entry test and jobs tests.


46. Moths are nocturnal pollinators, visiting scented flower during the hours of darkness, whereas the butterflies are —– attracted to bright flowers in the daytime

(a) Diurnal

(b) Quotidian

(c) Colorful

(d) Ephemeral


47. In a fit of —- she threw out the valuable statue simply because it had belonged to her ex-husband

(a) Pique

(b) Goodwill

(c) Contrition

(d) Pedantry


48. She was roundly condemned for her —– she betrayed the woman to whom she owed her success

(a) Truculence

(b) Perfidy

(c) Serendipity

(d) Pragmatism


49. The quantum theory was initially regarded as absurd, unnatural and —— with common sense

(a) Consanguineous

(b) Discernible

(c) Incompatible

(d) Decipherable


50. Their bantering talk seemed ——, but in fact it masked an underlying ——  

(a) Hostile — antipathy

(b) Amicable — antagonism

(c) Jovial — assumptions

(d) Exasperating — frustrations


51. Do not be fooled by her —- manner; her superficial ___ belies her worldliness

(a) Ingenuous — proficiency

(b) Worldly simplicity

(c) Unsophisticated — naiveté

(d) Gregarious — isolation


52. His one vice was gluttony and so it is not surprising that as he aged he became increasingly ——-  

(a) Emaciated

(b) Despondent

(c) Corpulent

(d) Carping


53. After saying Beverly made too many mistakes, Bob added insult to injury by saying

(a) They were small mistakes

(b) She worked very slowly

(c) Her work was excellent

(d) None of these


54. The success of the business venture —— his expectations he never thought that the firm would prosper

(a) Confirmed

(b) Belied

(c) Nullified

(d) Fulfilled


55. In business, it’s often necessary to be quick on the draw, but sometimes it’s better to

(a) Think carefully before doing something

(b) Do something faster than others

(c) Be slow to understand what’s happening

(d) None of these


56. Because Elaine’s father was a field entomologist who trekked over the continent studying insect infestations, and insisted on taking his young family with him, Elaine and her brother had a(n) —-  childhood

(a) Idyllic

(b) Itinerant

(c) Sedentary

(d) Propitious


57. If you read between the lines, you will

(a) Know what the writer really thinks

(b) Be able to read a lot quicker

(c) Make up the story for yourself

(d) None of these


58. The —– weather forced us to stay indoors

(a) Enticing

(b) Glorious

(c) Restorative

(d) Inclement


59. Her name escaped me just as I was introducing her to other guests. I felt

(a) Embarrassed

(b) Very proud

(c) Quite angry

(d) None of these


60. Literary criticism has in recent years become increasingly —– it is almost impossible for the non-literary person to understand its analyses

(a) Abstruse

(b) Accessible

(c) Colloquial

(d) Wide-ranging

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SYNONYMS (A) MCQs   Directions: Choose the correct synonyms of the given words “A” Abate: (a) Lessen (b) Essence (c) Boast (d) Obvious   Abbreviation: (a) Medium form (b) Long-form (c) Short form (d) Paraphrase   Abdicate: (a) Harass (b) Disperse (c) To resign (d) Trick   Abode: (a) Adorn […]
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