CSS Vocabulary (A-Z)

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1105. habitue: one who habitually frequents a place.
1106. habitué: one who habitually frequents a place.
1107. halcyon: peaceful; undisturbed; happy.
1108. hale: free from disease and weakening conditions; healthy.
1109. harangue: a speech addressed to a large public assembly; also, a noisy or pompous speech.
1110. harbinger: a precursor; one that presages what is to come.
1111. harbinger: a precursor; one that presages what is to come.
1112. hardscrabble: barren, marginal; also, marked by poverty.
1113. hardscrabble: barren, marginal; also, marked by poverty.
1114. harridan: a scolding, vicious old woman.
1115. harridan: a scolding, vicious woman.
1116. hauteur: haughtiness; arrogance.
1117. hauteur: haughtiness; pride; arrogance.
1118. hebetude: mental dullness or sluggishness.
1119. hebetude: mental dullness or sluggishness.
1120. hector: to bully or harass.
1121. hector: to bully or harass.
1122. heterodox: holding unorthodox opinions.
1123. heterodox: holding unorthodox opinions.
1124. heterogeneous: consisting of dissimilar elements.
1125. hinterland: backcountry.
1126. hinterland: backcountry.
1127. hirsute: covered with hair or bristles.
1128. hirsute: shaggy; hairy.
1129. histrionic: theatrical.
1130. hobbledehoy: an awkward, gawky young fellow.
1131. hobbledehoy: an awkward, gawky young fellow.
1132. hobnob: to associate familiarly.
1133. Hobson’s choice: a choice without an alternative
1134. Hobson’s choice: a choice without an alternative.
1135. Hogmanay: the name, in Scotland, for the last day of the year.
1136. hoi polloi: the common people; the masses.
1137. homily: a sermon or lecture; also, an inspirational saying or a platitude.
1138. homily: a sermon or lecture; also, an inspirational saying or a platitude.
1139. hortatory: giving strong encouragement; inciting.
1140. hortatory: serving to encourage or incite.
1141. hubris: overbearing pride or presumption.
1142. hugger-mugger: secret; also, muddled, disorderly.
1143. hugger-mugger: secret; clandestine.
1144. hullabaloo: a confused noise; uproar.
1145. hullabaloo: a confused noise; uproar.
1146. hyperbole: extravagant exaggeration.
1147. hyperbole: extravagant exaggeration.
1148. hypnagogic: leading to sleep; hypnotic.

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