Solved Past Papers MCQs of Provincial Management Service (PMS) General Knowledge 4

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Solved Past Papers MCQs of Provincial Management Service (PMS) General Knowledge for the preparation of NTS, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPSC, FPSC, OTS, and other academic entry test and jobs tests.


26. Constellation is

(A) Classification of stars satellites

(B) Classification of stars

(C) Patterns or groups of stars in the sky

(D) Patterns or groups of satellites in the sky


27. The sun take —— Years to travel around the galaxy

(A) One hundred years

(B) One million years

(C) 225 million years

(D) 225 years


28. Days and nights are equal throughout the year at

(A) North America

(B) South Africa

(C) Equator

(D) North Pole


29. Celestial’ body that affects tides of oceans is

(A) Sun

(B) Moon

(C) Galaxy

(D) Meteorite


30. Huge cloud of gas and dust in Universe is called

(A) Constellation

(B) Satellite

(C) Meteorite

(D) Nebula


31. Outer surface of the sun is called

(A) Chromospheres

(B) Photosphere

(C) Corona

(D) Ionosphere


32. Sun’s diameter is

(A) 3 million Km

(B) 2.5 million Km

(C) 1.4 million Km

(D) 1 million Km


33. The largest planet is

(A) Venus

(B) Jupiter

(C) Mercury

(D) Mars


34. The continuous movement of continents is called Continental

(A) Shakes

(B) Drift

(C) Motion

(D) Move


35. The layer of atmosphere in which we live is called

(A) Troposphere

(B) Photosphere

(C) Lithosphere

(D) Ionosphere


36. Study of fingerprints is called

(A) Genetics

(B) Dactylography

(C) Hematology

(D) Histology


37. Which rocks make the earth’s surface or crust

(A) Sedimentary

(B) Igneous

(C) Metamorphic

(D) All of these


38. Area in a desert where there is sufficient water For plants is called

(A) Island


(C) Green desert

(D) Greenland


39. Plate ——- tectonics movements of

(A) Rockets

(B) Rivers

(C) Oceans

(D) Continents


40. Silicon is also called

(A) Stone Maker

(B) Ocean Maker

(C) Earth Make

(D) Mountain Maker


41. Days and nights are equal all the year at

(A) New York

(B) Nairobi

(C) Oslo

(D) Brussels


42. When Magma reaches the surface it is called

(A) Moiler magma

(B) Volcano

(C) Lava

(D) Igneous lava


43. Which star is known as the Constant Star

(A) Sirius

(B) Canopus star

(C) North star

(D) The sun


44. Which area is known as World’s earthquake belt

(A) Pacific ring of fire

(B) Andes Range

(C) Sharm-el-Sheikh, Egypt

(D) Central and Atlantic Ridge


45. Which of the following is the physics law of Moments

(A) The product of clockwise moments is equal to the product of anti-clockwise Moments

(B) The sum of clockwise moments is equal to the sum of anticlockwise moments

(C) The product of clockwise moments is equal to the value of anti-clockwise Moments

(D) The sum of clockwise moments is equal to the value of anti-clockwise moments.


46. Which chemical element has properties of a Metal and non-metals

(A) Metalloid

(B) Lanthanide

(C) Actinide

(D) Graphite


47. Which tube extends from mouth to anus

(A) Alimentary canal

(B) Root canal

(C) Basic canal

(D) Back canal


48. Where is the bile stored and intermittently released into the small intestine to aid digestion

(A) Kidney

(B) Liver

(C) Gall Bladder

(D) Pancreas


49. Blood circulates in which parts of the body

(A) Veins

(B) Arteries

(C) Capillaries

(D) All of these


50. Which blood group is a Universal Donor

(A) Group A

(B) Group B

(C) Group AB

(D) Group O –



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