Solved Past Papers MCQs of Lecturer Zoology


Solved Past Papers MCQs of Lecturer Zoology for the preparation of NTS, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPSC, FPSC, OTS, and other academic entry tests and jobs tests.


51. Plasmolysis is the shrinkage of protoplast due to ……. of water

A) Endosmosis

B) Diffusion

C) Active transport

D) Ex-osmosis


52. Uric acid is the chief nitrogenous waste of

A) Fish and Amphibian

B) Amphibians and Reptiles

C) Reptiles and Birds

D) Birds and Mammals


53. Linker region have …… base pairs when nucleosomes repeat after every 200 bp

A) 34

B) 44

C) 54

D) 64


54. Nucleic acids absorb ultraviolet light at

A) 320 nm

B) 260 nm

C) 480 nm

D) 660 nm


55. The breakdown of alveoli occurs in

A) Emphysema

B) Asthma

C) Tuberculosis

D) Pollen allergy


56. The heart of class Pisces is

A) Single circuit

B) Double circuit

C) Triple circuit

D) Open circuit


57. The conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin is catalyzed by the enzyme

A) Fibrin stabilizing factor

B) Thrombinase

C) Prothrombinase

D) Hydroxylase


58. The sarcoplasmic reticulum in the muscle cells acts as a store of ……. ions

A) Potassium

B) Sodium

C) Calcium

D) Magnesium


59. This protein has anti-viral activity

A) Interferon

B) C-reactive

C) Insulin

D) Growth factor


60. Ring form ribose sugar is known as

A) Ribopyranose

B) Ribofuranose

C) Furoribanose

D) None of these


61. The positive charge on Histones is due to an abundance of the following amino acids

A) Valine or Histidine

B) Arginine or Lysine

C) Proline or Methionine

D) Alanine or Valine


62. Ptyalin is an amylase that digests starch and glycogen to

A) Sucrose

B) Lactose

C) Maltose

D) Galactose


63. Metal ions used by many enzymes to change their non-functional active sites to functional ones are called

A) Co-enzymes

B) Apo-enzymes

C) HoloenzYmes

D) Co-factor


64. The breakdown of a glucose molecule in two molecules of pyruvate results in the production of ……. ATP molecules

A) 2

B) 4

C) 36

D) 38


65. RNA polymerase III transcribe the gene/s of




D) All of these


66. Sahara desert demark the regions

A) Ethiopian and Palearctic

B) Oriental and Neotropical

C) Ethiopian and Oriental

D) Palearctic and Nearctic


67. An endemic species is ……

A) Epidemic disease

B) A taxonomist’s mistake

C) A taxonomist’s choice

D) Which is found uniquely in one place


68. The specimen on which the taxonomic description is based is

A) Holotype

B) Homotype

C) Heterotype

D) Homonym


69. This is not a characteristic of primates

A) Opposable digits

B) A well developed cerebrum

C) Binocular vision

D) A cloaca


70. This is a small locally located Subpopulation of organisms subjected to selection

A) Cline

B) Phenon

C) Deme

D) Axon


71. Wildlife of Pakistan includes a unique aquatic mammal protected by various wildlife agencies

A) Blue Dolphin

B) Porpoise

C) Sea Whale

D) Blind Dolphin


72. An organism that has escaped from domestication and returned, partly or wholly, to a wild state is called

A) Native

B) Vulnerable

C) Ferals

D) Semi-wild


73. When a single gene affects two or more traits, the phenomenon is called

A) Transposition

B) Transduction

C) Epistasis

D) Pleiotropy


74. This is a polyunsaturated fatty acid

A) Oleic acid

B) Linoleic acid

C) Palmitic acid

D) Palmitoleic acid


75. Insulin has 51 amino acids, which are arranged in two polypeptide chains having

A) 20 & 31 amino acids

B) 11 & 40 amino acids

C) 21 & 31 amino acids

D) 25 & 26 amino acids


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