Solved Past Papers MCQs of Lecturer Zoology


Solved Past Papers MCQs of Lecturer Zoology for the preparation of NTS, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPSC, FPSC, OTS, and other academic entry tests and jobs tests.


26. Which cell type you will prefer to take the nucleus of cloning

A) B-cell


C) Embryonic cell

D) Sperm


27. Where you do transfer nucleus for cloning

A) Enucleated cell

B) Enucleated egg

C) Egg

D) Sperm


28. With respect to the outside, the inside of the neutron is at rest is ……

A) More negatively charged

B) More positively charged

C) The Same charge

D) Zero electrical potential

29. What is the normal resting potential of a neuron

A) -70 mv

B) +70 mv

C) 0 mv

D) -90 mv


30. The True nervous system was first developed in

A) Annelida

B) cnidarians

C) Flatworm

D) Sponge


31. The Uniqueness of adult Echinoderms is due to …….

A) Penta-radial symmetry, Hydrocoele

B) Bilateral symmetry, Hydrocoele

C) Bilateral symmetry, enterocoele

D) Penta-radial symmetry, enterocoele


32. The larva form of liver fluke has cilia

A) Reia

B) sporocyst

C) Meracidium

D) Metacercaria


33. Which of the following is evidence that mollusks and annelids may have a common ancestor

A) They have setae

B) They have a trochophore larva

C) Neither group has lungs

D) They include both marine and terrestrial animals


34. The arboreal adaptations are those that help the animal to line-in or on

A) Burrows

B) Air

C) Rocks

D) Trees

35. Ctenoid scales are present on the bodies of

A) Chondrichthyes

B) Osteichthyes

C) Cyclostomes

D) Myxini


36. Birds that fly at high altitudes need an especially efficient respiratory system because

A) At high altitudes the air sacs do not function

B) There is little oxygen in the atmosphere at high altitudes

C) At high altitudes birds flap their wings faster

D) There is little carbon dioxide at high altitudes

37. When the cell wall is removed from a plant cell then it is called

A) Protoplasts

B) Protoplasts

C) Mytoplast

D) Prothallus

38. The virus used during the cell fusion technique is

A) Rous sarcoma

B) Influenza

C) Retrovirus

D) Sandal

39. Nucleolar organizer is separated from the rest of the chromosome

A) Primary constriction

B) Chromomere

C) Secondary constriction

D) Centromere


40. What are characters of stem cells

A) Self-renewing

B) Can differentiate each other

C) Both A & B

D) None of these

41. Prions are made up of ……

A) Viruses



D) Protein


42. This chemical inhibits protein synthesis in Prokaryotes

A) Amanitin

B) Cycloheximide

C) Penicillin

D) Chloramphenicol


43. The retention of the larval forms and structures in adults is known as

A) Metamorphosis

B) Retrogressive growth

C) Paedomorphosis

D) Puberty


44. In the embryonic life, the RBCs are formed in the spleen and

A) Thymus

B) Kidney

C) Liver

D) Stomach


45. This germinal layer in an animal embryo gives rise to lungs

A) Endoderm

B) Ectoderm

C) Mesoderm

D) Protostome


46. The process by which the outside cell layer moves towards the deeper layer of the embryonic cell termed as

A) Epiboly

B) Emboly

C) Regression

D) Inversion


47. In oocyte development lampbrush chromosome serves as the hub of …… activity

A) Replicational

B) Transcriptional

C) Transitional

D) Polyteny


48. The development of a whole individual is technically termed as

A) Allometry

B) Morphometry

C) Ontogeny

D) Orthometry


49. What is the name of a functional kidney in fishes

A) Pronephros

B) Mesonephros

C) Metanephros

D) Opisthonephros


50. The hormone responsible for the Amphibian metamorphosis is

A) Growth hormone

B) Calcitonin

C) Thyroxine



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