Solved Past Papers MCQs of Lecturer Psychology

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Solved Past Papers MCQs of Lecturer Psychology for the preparation of NTS, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPSC, FPSC, OTS, and other academic entry tests and jobs tests.


51. Which need is on top of the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

A) Self-actualization

B) Esteem

C) Belongingness

D) Safety


52. ERG theory was given by

A) Maslow

B) Alderfer

C) Belongingness

D) Safety


53. Motor skills are largely a result of

A) Learning

B) Maturational process

C) Practice

D) Observing other


54. In Piaget’s theory, the first two years of life are called the …… stage

A) Paralinguistic

B) Exploratory

C) Sensorimotor

D) Preoperational


55. Learning theories explain the attachment of Infants to their parents in items of

A) Conditioning

B) Observational learning

C) The maturation of perceptual skills

D) Cognitive development


56. Eidetic memory is most often found in

A) Adults

B) Depressed adults

C) Children

D) Mentally retarded children


57. The concept of intelligence is closely related to

A) Motivation

B) Learning

C) Perception

D) Cognition


58. Most IQ tests assess

A) Academic motivation

B) Convergent thinking

C) Perceptual motor skills

D) Creativity


59. The hallucination of schizophrenics are most likely to be

A) Auditory

B) Visual

C) Tactual

D) Olfactory


60. Among people with a severe mood disorder, …… is most common

A) Mania

B) Depression

C) Manic depression

D) Euphoria


61. A theory that states that emotions are a join result of non-specific physiological arousal and interpretation of the around is called

A) James Lange’s theory of emotion

B) Two-factor theory of emotion

C) Bern’s theory of emotion

D) None of these


62. Maintenance of an internal biological balance is called

A) Instinct

B) Need

C) Homeostasis

D) None of these


63. The part of the personality that provides a buffer between the id and the outside world is

A) Superego

B) Ego

C) Ego ideal

D) None of these


64. A feeling of apprehension or tension is

A) Frustration

B) Panic

C) Anxiety

D) Depression


65. Which of the following treatments deal with phobias by gradual exposure

A) Superego control

B) Systematic desensitization

C) Reinforcement

D) Dreams


66. Freud was among the first to suggest that abnormal behavior

A) Can have a hereditary basis

B) Is not the result of demonic possession

C) Is psychology caused

D) Can result from biological factors


67. Which of the following is not a common symptom of depression

A) Insomnia

B) Delusions

C) Poor appetite

D) Lethargy


68. Gradual exposure to the actual feared situation is called

A) Cognitive desensitization

B) In vivo desensitization

C) Flooding

D) Breaking of resistance


69. Psychodynamic therapist believes that maladaptive behavior stems from

A) Emotional trauma experienced in childhood

B) A failure to live up to one’s full potential

C) Disturbed thought patterns

D) Inappropriate learning patterns


70. The semantic differential scale is used mainly to measure

A) Values

B) Opinions

C) Attitudes

D) Interests


71. While selecting a psychological test for personnel selection, the main concern regarding the test is

A) Cost

B) Ease of administration

C) Validity

D) Objectively


72. The concept of introversion and extroversion was advanced by

A) Springer

B) Jung

C) Kretchmer

D) Jean


73. Alderfer’s theory categorizes needs into three categories The most important is

A) Growth needs

B) Relatedness need

C) Existence needs

D) None of these


74. Which of the following is an intrinsic motivator

A) Pay

B) Promotion

C) Feedback

D) Interest in play


75. The two-factor theory of motivation is given by

A) Maslow

B) Jung

C) Alder

D) Herzberg


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