Solved Past Papers MCQs of Lecturer Physical Education

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Solved Past Papers MCQs of Lecturer Physical Education for the preparation of NTS, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPSC, FPSC, OTS, and other academic entry tests and jobs tests.


26. Age measured in days, months, and years is called

A) Psychological Age

B) Anatomical Age

C) Chronological Age

D) Birth Age


27. Intensity in strength endurance training is

A) 60-70%

B) 75-85%

C) 80-100%

D) 40-60%


28. Speed which gradually increases in sprint races is called

A) Acceleration sprint

B) Access Sprint

C) Deceleration sprint

D) None of these


29. If someone feels difficulty seeing at long distance clearly the disease is called

A) Anemia

B) Hypermetropia

C) Myopia

D) None of these


30. The richest source of Vitamin D is

A) Cod liver oil

B) Spinach

C) Milk

D) None of these


31. The allowable time out for injury in girl’s basketball is

A) 1 minute

B) 5 minutes

C) 30 minutes

D) 20 minutes


32. Width of the table in table tennis is …..

A) 1.50 m

B) 1.525 m

C) 1.575 m

D) 2.525 m


33. At what score ends will be changed in a Tie break game in Tennis

A) 2-4

B) 3-3

C) 1-6

D) 3-4


34. Which system is more suitable for the conduct of a tournament of 30 cricket teams at the university level

A) Ladder

B) Combination

C) Elimination

D) Pyramid


35. When the population is not homogeneous then which kind of sampling do we use

A) Simple Random

B) Systemic Random

C) Stratified

D) Cluster


36. Organ that receives food from Pharynx and carries to the stomach is known as

A) Oral Cavity

B) Anus

C) Rectum

D) Esophagus


37. What is meta-analyses

A) Group discussion

B) General research type

C) Descriptive study

D) Associational research


38. Nominal, ordinal, interval. and ratio scales measure the

A) Results

B) Variables

C) Rank orders

D) Data


39. Which of the joints are most Important in human movement

A) Synarthrosis

B) Ligamentous

C) Cartilaginous

D) Synovial


40. Summative evaluation Involves

A) Enhancement of learning

B)  Achievement of mastery

C) Administration of test

D) None of these


41. The ability to maintain equilibrium while in motion is called

A) Balance

B)  Static balance

C) Dynamic balance

D) None of these


42. Official ensuring that the track, runways circles, and all equipment are in accordance with the rules before the competition

A) Event Manager

B) Technical Manager

C) Technical Officer

D) Peeping control Delegate


43. If player is less than 8. how to marry traits will be given

A) 6

B) 3

C) 2

D) 8


44. Motto of I.O.C is

A) Fortius, Citlus, Altius

B) Aldus, Cltus, Fortius

C) Fortius, Altius, Citlus

D) Citius, Altius, Fortius


45. Trajectory is

A) The highest point of an object

B) Path of an object falling vertically down

C) The path of an object projected into free air

D) The flight path of a projectile


46. The development of the full potential of each Individual

A) Idealism

B) Existentialism

C) Realism

D) Humanism


47. Locomotor movements Involve forcefully pushing the ground from one foot in the air and landing on the same foot

A) Hopping

B) Leaping

C) Running

D) Skipping


48. Disease or Injury affecting the wall of a blood vessel is

A) Abdominal wound

B) Stress fracture

C) Blackeye

D) Hemorrhage


49. Imaginary line passing laterally from one side to the other is called

A) Sagittal axis

B) Sagittal plane

C) Vertical axis

D) Lateral axis


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Solved Past Papers MCQs of Lecturer Zoology for the preparation of NTS, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPSC, FPSC, OTS, and other academic entry tests and jobs tests.   26. Which cell type you will prefer to take the nucleus of cloning A) B-cell B) RBC C) Embryonic cell D) Sperm   […]
Solved Past Papers MCQs of Lecturer Zoology (
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