Sentence Completion Mcqs

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Sentence Completion Mcqs for the preparation of NTS, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPSC, FPSC, OTS and other academic entry test and jobs tests.


76. You could be in a vicious circle if the solution to one problem becomes the

(a) Cause of another one

(b) Result of another one

(c) Solution to another one

(d) None of these


77. The guy in the apartment next door was caught red-handed

(a) Watching bad T.V.

(b) Peeping on our cute neighbor

(c) Cooking an awful dinner

(d) None of these


78. The red tape makes getting government approval take

(a) A long time

(b) A short time

(c) A good time

(d) None of these


79. Bob and Jane decided to tie the knot because

(a) It had come undone

(b) They loved one another

(c) They needed to save money

(d) None of these


80. Newspapers reported that some basketball referees have received under-the-table payments for

(a) Refereeing their games

(b) Influencing the score in some games

(c) Playing golf in their free time

(d) None of these


81. Marrying James was just a means to an end for Kerry. Her real goal was

(a) To be his wife

(b) To meet his sister

(c) To be rich

(d) None of these


82. Iodine deficiency is —- in these remote mountain regions; however, it is no longer —- in the lowlands where iodized salt is available

 (a) Recorded — unusual

 (b) Rare — sporadic

(c) Eradicated — common

(d) Endemic — prevalent


83. If someone drops a bombshell, they

(a) Make a serious mistake

(b) Create a big problem

(c) Have some really big news

(d) None of these


84.   ——- is a person who tacks knowledge

(a) Intelligent

(b) Ignorant

(c) Credulous

(d) Colleague


85. If you got somewhere safe and sound, you got there

(a) Because it was easy to get there

(b) Even though you got hurt on the way

(c) Even though there was some danger on the way

(d) None of these


86. The principle of living and acting for the welfare of others is called —

(a) Altruism

(b) Asceticism

(c) Egoism

(d) Misogynism


87. A person who changes sides is called —- 

(a) anarchist

(b) Communist

(c) Turncoat

(d) Ductile


88. _______ is a person who is always looking for a fight

(a) Bellicose

(b) Chivalrous

(c) Patriot

(d) Bigot


89. —- is a place where wild animals are kept

(a) Park

(b) Aviary

(c) Zoo

(d) Stable


90. A child born after the death of his father is called —-

(a) Premature

(b) Posthumous

(c) Consort

(d) Censer


91. Nadia killed two birds with one stone by going to Paris. She practiced her French before her exam and she

(a) got better at speaking French

(b) Read a book on French history

(c) Went to her friend’s wedding

(d) None of these


92. Unlike the ancient Greeks; we are interested in a person’s —- the things that make each person different from the general

(a) Qualities

(b) Idiosyncrasies

(c) Failures

(d) Stereotypes


93. Pablo went to the party, but he felt like a fish out of water because

(a) He was tired of eating meat and chicken

(b)  He’d forgotten to take his swimming shorts

(C) He was the only Mexican guy there

(d) None of these


94. One who firmly believes in fate or destiny is called—–

(a) Gratis

(b) Dermatologist

(c)  Fatalist

(d) Honorary


95. It was obvious that many people had greased the chief of police’s palm because he had

(a) Become very poor

(b) Become very rich

(c) Become very greasy

(d) None of these

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SYNONYMS (A) MCQs   Directions: Choose the correct synonyms of the given words “A” Abate: (a) Lessen (b) Essence (c) Boast (d) Obvious   Abbreviation: (a) Medium form (b) Long-form (c) Short form (d) Paraphrase   Abdicate: (a) Harass (b) Disperse (c) To resign (d) Trick   Abode: (a) Adorn […]
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