Indo Pak History Mcqs 2

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Indo Pak History Mcqs for the preparation of NTS, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPSC, FPSC, OTS and other academic entry test and jobs tests.  


46. The last dynasty of Sultanate period was  

(a) Mughal dynasty  

(b) Lodhi dynasty  

(c) Tughlaq dynasty  

(d) Slave dynasty  


47. The nickname of Shehzada Salim Was

(a) Dam

(b) Munnu  

(c) Shaikhoo

(d) Khurum  


48. Who laid the foundation of the first independent Turkish kingdom in India  

(a) Mohammad Bin Qasim  

(b) Qutubuddin Aibak  

(c) Ghiasuddin Balban  

(d) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq  


49. On the death of Sher Shah, under which title his son Jalal Khan ascended the throne in 1545

(a) Islam Shah

(b) Mehmud Shah

(c) Taj Khan

(d) Jalal Khan  


50. The official language of the Delhi sultanate was  

(a) Urdu

(b) Arabic  

(c) Persian  

(d) Hindi  


51. Early in his reign Jahangir had to face a serious situation created by the rebellion of his son. Name his son

(a) Khiyan

(b) Khizer

(c) Khusrau

(d) Khalji  


52. What age in Indian History is referred to as the ‘Golden Age’  

(a) Ancient

(b) Maurya

(c) Gupta

(d) Mughal  


53. Who amongst the following Sultans of the slave dynasty reigned for the longest period  

(a) Qutub-ud-Din Aibak  

(b) Ghiyas-ud-Din Balban  

(c) Nasir-ud-Din Mahmood  

(d) Shams-ud-din iltutmish  


54. In which year Qandahar was recaptured by the Persian King Shah Abbas

(a) 1622

(b) 1623

(c) 1624  

(d) 1625  


55. Stave Dynasty of Indo-Pak was founded by  

(a) Sabuktagin  

(b) Babar  

(c) Qutab-ud-Din  

(d) Jalal-ud-Din  


56. The successor of Jahangir was

(a) Shah Jahah

(b) Alamgir

(c) Babur

(d) Sher Shah Suri  


57. Who defeated the Marathas in the third battle of Panipat

(a) The British

(b) The Afghans

(c) The Mughals

(d) The Rajputs  


58. The first Muslim ruler of India was  

(a) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq  

(b) Mahmood of Ghaznvi  

(c) Qutub-ud-din Aibak  

(d) Muhammad Gauri  


59. When & where was Shah Jahan born

(a) 1519 Lahore

(b) 1592 Lahore

(c) 1593 Delhi

(d) 1592 Delhi  


60. When Qutab-ud Din died  

(a) 1208  

(b) 1209  

(c) 1210  

(d) 1211

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