CSS Vocabulary (A-Z)

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2113. vade mecum: a book or other thing that one regularly carries about.
2114. vade mecum: a book or other thing that one regularly carries about.
2115. vagary: an extravagant, erratic, or unpredictable notion or action.
2116. vagary: an extravagant, erratic, or unpredictable notion, action, or occurrence.
2117. vainglory: empty pride.
2118. vainglory: excessive pride or vain display.
2119. valetudinarian: a weak or sickly person, especially one morbidly concerned with his or her
2120. valetudinarian: a weak or sickly person.
2121. vapid: flat; dull; spiritless.
2122. vapid: insipid; flat; dull.
2123. varicolored: having a variety of colors.
2124. variegated: having marks or patches of different colors; also, varied.
2125. variegated: having marks or patches of different colors; also, varied.
2126. vatic: of or characteristic of a prophet or prophecy.
2127. vehement: marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions.
2128. vehement: marked by intensity of emotions or convictions.
2129. velleity: a slight wish or inclination.
2130. venal: capable of being bought.
2131. venal: capable of being bought; also, corruptible.
2132. venerate: to treat with deep respect.
2133. venerate: to treat with deep respect.
2134. venial: capable of being forgiven.
2135. venial: capable of being forgiven; excusable.
2136. verbiage: an overabundance of words.
2137. verbiage: the use of many words without necessity.
2138. verbose: wordy.
2139. verdant: covered with growing plants or grass; green.
2140. verdant: green.
2141. verdure: greenness.
2142. verisimilitude: the quality of seeming to be true
2143. verisimilitude: the quality of seeming to be true.
2144. veritable: real; true; genuine.
2145. vertiginous: causing dizziness; also, giddy; dizzy.
2146. vertiginous: causing dizziness; also, giddy; dizzy.
2147. vet: to subject to thorough appraisal; to evaluate.
2148. vet: to subject to thorough appraisal; to evaluate.
2149. vexillology: the study of flags.
2150. vicissitude: a change in condition or fortune.
2151. vim: energy; vigor.
2152. vim: energy; vigor.
2153. virago: an ill-tempered, overbearing woman; also, a woman of great strength and courage.
2154. virtu: love of or taste for fine objects of art; also, productions of art.
2155. virtu: productions of art (especially fine antiques).
2156. visage: the face; also, appearance; aspect.
2157. visage: the face; also, appearance; aspect.
2158. visage: the face; also, appearance; aspect.
2159. vitiate: to make faulty or imperfect.
2160. vitiate: to make faulty, or imperfect.
2161. vituperate: to overwhelm with wordy abuse.
2162. vivify: to animate.
2163. vivify: to endue with life; to enliven.
2164. vociferous: clamorous; noisy.
2165. vociferous: making a loud outcry.
2166. volte-face: an about-face.
2167. voluble: characterized by a ready flow of speech.
2168. voluble: marked by a ready flow of speech.
2169. voluptuary: a person devoted to luxury and the gratification of sensual appetites.
2170. voluptuary: a sensualist.
2171. votary: one devoted to some pursuit, worship, study, or way of life.

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