CSS Vocabulary (A-Z)

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184. bacchanalia: a revel.
185. badinage: light, playful talk.
186. badinage: playful raillery; banter.
187. bagatelle: a trifle; also, a short, light literary or musical piece.
188. bailiwick: a person’s specific area of knowledge, authority, interest, skill, or work.
189. bailiwick: a person’s specific area of knowledge, authority, interest, skill, or work.
190. banal: commonplace; trivial
191. bandog: a large and fierce dog.
192. bedaub: to besmear or soil.
193. bedaub: to besmear; also, to overdecorate.
194. bedizen: to dress or adorn in gaudy manner.
195. bedizen: to dress or adorn in gaudy manner.
196. beholden: obliged.
197. beholden: obliged; indebted.
198. beholden: obliged; indebted.
199. bellicose: inclined to or favoring war or strife.
200. bellicose: warlike; pugnacious.
201. bellwether: a leader of a movement or activity.
202. bellwether: a leader of a movement or activity.
203. bellwether: a leader or leading indicator.
204. benefaction: the act of conferring a benefit; also, a benefit conferred.
205. benefaction: the act of conferring a benefit; also, a benefit conferred.
206. beneficence: the practice of doing good.
207. beneficence: the practice of doing good.
208. benignant: kind; gracious; favorable.
209. benison: blessing; benediction.
210. berate: to scold severely or angrily.
211. berate: to scold severely.
212. bestow: to give or confer.
213. bete noire: something or someone especially hated.
214. bete noire: something or someone particularly detested or avoided.
215. bevy: a group; an assembly.
216. bibelot: a trinket.
217. bibulous: of, pertaining to, marked by, or given to the consumption of alcohol.
218. bifurcate: to divide into two branches.
219. bifurcate: to divide into two branches. bravura: a showy display.
220. bilious: of or pertaining to bile; also, ill-tempered.
221. bilious: of or pertaining to bile; also, ill-tempered.
222. billet: to quarter, or place in lodgings.
223. billet-doux: a love letter.
224. billingsgate: foul language.
225. bivouac: a usually temporary encampment; also, to encamp.
226. blackguard: a scoundrel.
227. blandishment: flattering speech or action; allurement.
228. blandishment: flattery intended to persuade.
229. bloviate: to speak or write in a pompous manner.
230. bombast: high-sounding words; an inflated style.
231. bombast: pompous or pretentious speech or writing.
232. bombinate: to buzz, hum, or drone.
233. bombinate: to buzz; to hum; to drone.
234. bon ton: the height of the fashion; fashionable society.
235. bonhomie: pleasant and easy manner.
236. bonhomie: pleasant and easy manner; geniality.
237. booboisie: a class of people regarded as stupid or foolish.
238. bootless: unavailing; unprofitable; useless.
239. bootless: unavailing; useless.
240. boulevardier: a man-about-town.
241. bouleversement: complete overthrow; a reversal.
242. bowdlerize: to remove or modify the parts considered offensive.
243. bowdlerize: to remove or modify the parts considered offensive.
244. brackish: somewhat salty; also, distasteful.
245. brackish: somewhat salty; also, distasteful.
246. braggadocio: empty boasting.
247. braggadocio: empty boasting.
248. bravado: a real or pretended show of courage or boldness.
249. bricolage: construction or something constructed by using whatever materials happen to be
250. brio: liveliness; spirit.
251. brio: vigor; vivacity.
252. Brobdingnagian: gigantic; enormous.
253. Brobdingnagian: of extraordinary height; gigantic.
254. bromide: a commonplace or conventional saying.
255. bromide: a commonplace or conventional saying.
256. bucolic: rustic; pastoral.
257. bucolic: rustic; pastoral.
258. bucolic: rustic; pastoral.
259. bumptious: crudely, presumptuously, or noisily self-assertive.
260. bumptious: obtusely and offensively self-assertive.
261. busker: a street musician or performer.
262. buss: a kiss; to kiss.
263. buss: kiss.

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