CSS Vocabulary (A-Z)

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1283. lachrymose: given to or causing tears.
1284. lachrymose: given to shedding tears.
1285. lackadaisical: lacking spirit or liveliness.
1286. lackadaisical: lacking spirit or liveliness.
1287. laconic: expressing much in few words.
1288. laconic: using or marked by the use of a minimum of words.
1289. lacuna: a blank space; a missing part.
1290. lacuna: a missing part; a gap.
1291. lambaste: to scold sharply; also, to beat.
1292. lambaste: to scold sharply; also, to beat.
1293. lambent: playing on the surface; flickering.
1294. lambent: playing on the surface; flickering.
1295. land of Nod: sleep.
1296. land of Nod: sleep.
1297. languid: lacking vigor or force.
1298. languor: lack of energy or vitality.
1299. languor: lack of energy or vitality.
1300. largess: generosity; also, money or gifts bestowed.
1301. largess: generous giving; also, gifts of money or other valuables.
1302. lascivious: lewd; lustful.
1303. lascivious: wanton; lewd.
1304. lassitude: lack of vitality or energy.
1305. lassitude: lack of vitality or energy.
1306. latitudinarian: having or expressing broad and tolerant views.
1307. latitudinarian: having or expressing broad and tolerant views.
1308. laudable: praiseworthy; commendable.
1309. laudable: praiseworthy; commendable.
1310. legerdemain: sleight of hand.
1311. legerdemain: sleight of hand.
1312. leitmotif: a dominant and recurring theme.
1313. leitmotif: a melodic phrase that accompanies the reappearance of a idea, person, or
situation; a dominant and recurring theme.
1314. lenity: the state or quality of being lenient.
1315. levity: an inappropriate lack of seriousness.
1316. levity: frivolity.
1317. lexicography: the writing or compiling of dictionaries.
1318. lexicon: a dictionary.
1319. lexicon: a dictionary; also, the vocabulary of a person, group, etc.
1320. libation: the act of pouring a liquid as a sacrifice; also, a beverage.
1321. limn: to draw or paint; also, to describe.
1322. limn: to draw or paint; also, to describe.
1323. limpid: clear; also, serene.
1324. limpid: clear; also, serene.
1325. lineament: a distinguishing or characteristic feature.
1326. lissom: limber; supple; flexible; lithe.
1327. lissom: supple; nimble.
1328. listless: having no desire or inclination.
1329. littoral: on a coastal or shore region.
1330. logorrhea: excessive talkativeness.
1331. logorrhea: excessive talkativeness.
1332. longueur: a dull and tedious passage in a work of literature or performing art.
1333. loquacious: very talkative.
1334. louche: of questionable taste or morality.
1335. lubricious: lewd; also, slippery or smooth.
1336. lucre: money; profit.
1337. lucre: money; profit.
1338. lucubration: nocturnal study.
1339. lucubration: nocturnal study; also, that which is composed by night; meditation.
1340. ludic: playful.
1341. ludic: playful.
1342. lugubrious: exaggeratedly or affectedly sorrowful.
1343. lugubrious: indicating sorrow, often ridiculously.
1344. lugubrious: mournful; gloomy; dismal.
1345. luminary: any body that gives light; also, a person of eminence or brilliant achievement.
1346. luminary: any body that gives light; also, a person of eminence or brilliant achievement.

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