world records

World Information Quiz for the preparation of PPSC , SPSC , KPSC , BPSC , AJKPSC , NTS , OTS and other academic entry test and jobs test.

World’s oldest National Anthem is of

Floppy discs first introduced by which company

Old age pensions first introduced by which country

First woman who become a cosmonaut

In 1967 which state declared itself atheist state

In 1747 first public library opened in

Which country first used pepper

World's oldest zoo located in

Where is the world’s oldest university

The oldest written constitution of government in effect is 

Most common disease in the world

Longest coastline is situated in

Modern banknotes first used in

The most severe storm type is

First black woman elected to the U.S. Congress

Where is the continuously world’s oldest democracy

Driest place on earth situated in

According to Greek myth who was the first woman

The fastest flying bird is

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