CSS Vocabulary (A-Z)

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1149. idee fixe: a fixed idea.
1150. idee fixe: a fixed idea; an obsession.
1151. Ides: the fifteenth day of March, May, July, and October, and the thirteenth day of the
other months.
1152. idyll: a poem or prose work depicting rural or pastoral life; also, a carefree episode or
1153. idyll: a poem or prose work depicting rural or pastoral life; also, a carefree episode or
1154. ignoble: not noble.
1155. ignoramus: an ignorant person; a dunce.
1156. ignoramus: an ignorant person; a dunce.
1157. imbroglio: a complicated and embarrassing state of things.
1158. imbroglio: a complicated and embarrassing state of things.
1159. imbue: to dye; to instill profoundly.
1160. imbue: to dye; to instill profoundly.
1161. immolate: to kill or destroy, often by fire.
1162. immure: to enclose within or as if within walls.
1163. immure: to inclose within walls, or as within walls.
1164. impassible: incapable of suffering; also, unfeeling or not showing feeling.
1165. impassible: incapable of suffering; unfeeling, or not showing feeling.
1166. impassive: devoid of emotion; also, showing no emotion.
1167. impecunious: habitually without money; poor.
1168. impecunious: not having money.
1169. impervious: impenetrable; also, not capable of being affected.
1170. implacable: incapable of being pacified.
1171. importunate: troublesomely urgent.
1172. importunate: troublesomely urgent.
1173. imprecation: a curse.
1174. impregnable: able to resist attack.
1175. impregnable: able to resist attack.
1176. improvident: lacking foresight; negligent; thoughtless.
1177. impugn: to call in question; to make insinuations against.
1178. impugn: to call in question; to make insinuations against.
1179. inamorata: a woman whom one is in love with.
1180. inanition: exhaustion from lack of nourishment; also, emptiness.
1181. inchoate: partially but not fully in existence or operation.
1182. inchoate: partly but not fully in existence or operation.
1183. incipient: beginning to be; commencing; initial.
1184. incipient: beginning to exist or appear.
1185. inclement: harsh; severe — especially said of the weather.
1186. inclement: physically severe or harsh (esp. said of the weather).
1187. incommunicado: without means or right to communicate.
1188. incommunicado: without the means or right to communicate.
1189. incongruous: lacking in harmony.
1190. incontrovertible: indisputable; unquestionable.
1191. inculcate: to teach and impress by frequent repetition or instruction.
1192. inculcate: To teach by frequent repetitions.
1193. indefatigable: untiring.
1194. indelible: incapable of being removed or erased.
1195. indigence: extreme poverty.
1196. indigent: extremely poor.
1197. indolent: avoiding labor and exertion; lazy.
1198. indolent: lazy; inactive.
1199. indomitable: incapable of being subdued or overcome.
1200. indomitable: not to be subdued; untamable.
1201. ineffable: incapable of being expressed.
1202. ineffable: incapable of being expresses in words.
1203. ineffectual: without effect; weak; useless.
1204. ineluctable: impossible to avoid or evade.
1205. ineluctable: Impossible to avoid.
1206. inexorable: unyielding; relentless.
1207. ingenue: a naive girl or young woman, or an actress representing such a person.
1208. inhere: to be inherent.
1209. inimical: unfriendly; unfavorable.
1210. inkhorn: affectedly or ostentatiously learned.
1211. innocuous: harmless.
1212. innocuous: harmless; also, unlikely to offend or provoke.
1213. inscrutable: difficult to fathom or understand.
1214. inscrutable: difficult to fathom or understand; impenetrable.
1215. inscrutable: difficult to understand; incomprehensible.
1216. insensate: lacking sensation or awareness.
1217. insouciant: marked by lighthearted unconcern; carefree.
1218. insouciant: nonchalant.
1219. insuperable: incapable of being passed over, surmounted, or overcome.
1220. insuperable: incapable of being passed over, surmounted, or overcome.
1221. interlard: to insert between; to mix.
1222. interlard: to insert between; to mix.
1223. internecine: destructive; especially, mutually destructive; also, relating to conflict within a
1224. internecine: destructive; especially, mutually destructive; also, relating to conflict within a
1225. interpolate: to insert between; also, to alter or corrupt by insertion.
1226. interregnum: the interval between two reigns; also, any breach of continuity in an order.
1227. interregnum: the interval between two reigns; also, any breach of continuity in an order.
1228. interstice: a space between things or parts.
1229. interstice: a space between things or parts.
1230. intractable: not easily governed, managed, or directed.
1231. intractable: not easily governed, managed, or directed.
1232. intransigent: not capable of being swayed or diverted from a course.
1233. intransigent: uncompromising.
1234. intrepid: fearless; bold.
1235. introspection: the act or process of self-examination; reflection.
1236. introspection: the act or process of self-examination; reflection.
1237. inure: to make used to; also, to take or have effect.
1238. inure: to use till use gives little or no pain or inconvenience.
1239. invective: insulting or abusive language.
1240. invective: insulting or abusive language.
1241. invective: insulting or abusive language.
1242. inveigh: to attack with harsh criticism.
1243. inveigh: to rail (against some person or thing).
1244. inveigle: to entice.
1245. inveigle: to persuade or obtain by ingenuity or flattery.
1246. inveterate: deep-rooted; of long standing.
1247. inveterate: deep-rooted; of long standing.
1248. invidious: likely to produce ill will.
1249. invidious: tending to provoke envy or ill will
1250. iota: a very small quantity or degree.
1251. irascible: easily provoked to anger.
1252. irascible: quickly aroused to anger.
1253. irenic: promoting peace.
1254. irenic: promoting peace.
1255. irrefragable: impossible to refute.
1256. irrefragable: impossible to refute.
1257. irrefragable: impossible to refute.
1258. irrupt: to burst in forcibly or suddenly.
1259. itinerant: going from place to place.
1260. itinerant: traveling from place to place.

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