CSS Vocabulary (A-Z)

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1347. machination: a crafty scheme intended to accomplish some usually evil end.
1348. maelstrom: a large, powerful whirlpool; also, a violent, disordered, or turbulent state of
1349. maelstrom: a large, powerful, or violent whirlpool; also, a turbulent state of affairs.
1350. maladroit: awkward; unskillful; inept.
1351. malaise: a condition of uneasiness or ill-being.
1352. malaise: a condition of uneasiness or ill-being.
1353. malapropism: misuse of a word, especially by confusion with one of similar sound.
1354. malapropism: the usually unintentionally humorous misuse of a word, especially by
confusion with one of similar sound; also, an example of such misuse.
1355. malapropos: unseasonable or unseasonably; inappropriate or inappropriately.
1356. malcontent: one who is discontented or dissatisfied.
1357. malcontent: one who is discontented or dissatisfied.
1358. malediction: a curse.
1359. malfeasance: wrongdoing, misconduct, or misbehavior.
1360. malinger: to feign illness or inability.
1361. malinger: to feign illness or inability.
1362. malleable: capable of being shaped; also, adaptable.
1363. malleable: capable of being shaped; also, adaptable.
1364. malodorous: having a bad odor.
1365. malversation: misconduct in public office.
1366. manse: a large and imposing house.
1367. manse: a large and imposing residence.
1368. martinet: a strict disciplinarian.
1369. martinet: a strict disciplinarian.
1370. masticate: to chew.
1371. matutinal: relating to or occurring in the morning.
1372. maudlin: easily moved to tears.
1373. maudlin: excessively sentimental.
1374. maunder: to talk or wander aimlessly.
1375. mawkish: sickly or excessively sentimental.
1376. mazy: resembling a maze in form or complexity; intricate; confusing.
1377. mazy: resembling a maze; intricate or confusing.
1378. megalomania: a mental disorder characterized by delusions of grandeur.
1379. melange: a mixture.
1380. melange: a mixture.
1381. melee: a confused conflict.
1382. melee: a hand to hand conflict.
1383. mellifluous: flowing sweetly or smoothly.
1384. mellifluous: flowing sweetly or smoothly.
1385. mendacious: given to deception or falsehood.
1386. mendacious: untruthful; also, untrue.
1387. mendicant: a beggar.
1388. mendicant: a beggar.
1389. mephitic: offensive to the smell; also, noxious.
1390. mephitic: offensive to the smell; also, noxious.
1391. mercurial: changeable; temperamental; volatile.
1392. meretricious: pertaining to prostitutes; tawdry.
1393. meretricious: tawdry.
1394. meticulous: extremely or excessively careful about details.
1395. métier: an occupation for which one is especially well suited.
1396. metier: an occupation, especially in which one excels.
1397. miasma: a thick vaporous atmosphere, often noxious.
1398. miasma: noxious effluvia; also, a harmful atmosphere; also, an atmosphere that obscures.
1399. microcosm: a smaller, representative system having analogies to a larger system.
1400. microcosm: a smaller, representative unity having analogies to a larger unity.
1401. mien: aspect; air; manner; demeanor.
1402. mien: demeanor; also, aspect; appearance.
1403. milieu: environment; setting.
1404. milieu: environment; setting.
1405. militate: to have force or influence.
1406. militate: to have force or influence.
1407. milksop: an unmanly man.
1408. mimetic: imitative.
1409. mimetic: imitative.
1410. minatory: threatening; menacing.
1411. minatory: threatening; menacing.
1412. miscreant: a scoundrel, a villain; also, a heretic.
1413. miscreant: a villain, rascal.
1414. misnomer: a misnaming.
1415. misnomer: a wrong or inapplicable name.
1416. misprize: to despise; also, to undervalue.
1417. missive: a written message.
1418. missive: a written message; a letter.
1419. modicum: a small or token amount.
1420. moiety: a half; a small part.
1421. moiety: a half; also, a small part.
1422. moil: to labor; to toil; to drudge.
1423. mollify: to reduce in intensity; to soothe; to soften.
1424. mollify: to soothe; to temper; to soften.
1425. monomania: obsession with a single subject.
1426. monomania: obsession with single subject only.
1427. mordant: biting; caustic; sarcastic.
1428. mordant: biting; caustic; sarcastic.
1429. mores: customs; habits; ways.
1430. moribund: dying.
1431. moribund: dying.
1432. mountebank: a quack; also, a charlatan.
1433. mountebank: a quack; also, a charlatan.
1434. mulct: to defraud.
1435. multifarious: having great diversity or variety.
1436. multifarious: having great diversity or variety.
1437. munificent: very generous.
1438. munificent: very generous.
1439. myriad: consisting of a very great, but indefinite, number; also, a very great many.
1440. myrmidon: a loyal follower.
1441. myrmidon: a loyal follower.

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