Solved Past Papers MCQs of Public Relations Officer

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Solved Past Papers MCQs of Public Relations Officer


Solved Past Papers MCQs of Public Relations Officer for the preparation of NTS, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPSC, FPSC, OTS, and other academic entry tests and jobs tests.


1. Let us see which way the wind —-

(A) Blow

(B) Blowing

(C) Blows  

(D) Blew


2. Who will —–the cat

(A) Belling

(B) Bells

(C) Bell  

(D) Belled


3. Did he—– good health

(A) Has

(B) Had 

(C) Would have

(D) Have


4. He told that he—– do it easily

(A) Can

(B) May

(C) Is

(D) Could  


5. Two and two—– four

(A) Makes

(B) Make  

(C) Made

(D) Have made


6. Salma was ill—– fever

(A) Of

(B) To

(C) With

(D) On


7. He has lust —- knowledge

(A) For  

(B) Of

(C) To

(D) About


8. He was meditating ——the problem

(A) Of

(B) To

(C) On  

(D) With


9. He is ignorant—— his demerits

(A) In

(B) Of  

(C) To

(D) On


10. He is mindful—- his status

(A) For

(B) To

(C) With

(D) Of


11. Ahmad aimed _  the crow and fired

(A) To

(B) For

(C) At  

(D) By


12. Last night the thief broke—— his house and stole a TV set

(A) Of

(B) By

(C) To

(D) Into 


13. He did not heed ____ his brother’s advice

(A) For

(B) On

(C) To

(D) In


14. I prefer banana—– mango

(A) On

(B) For

(C) Into

(D) To  


15. He took me—– surprise

(A) With

(B) In

(C) From

(D) By  


16. What is the synonym of Ripple

(A) Wobble

(B) Injury

(C) Stain

(D) Disability


17. What is the synonym of Radiant

(A) Growing

(B) Glittering

(C) Flickering

(D) Dimming


18. What is the synonym of Devilish

(A) Virtual

(B) Satanic  

(C) Simple

(D) Honest


19. What is the synonym of Ruins

(A) Wildernesses

(B) Paces

(C) Excavations

(D) Excretions


20. What is the synonym of Proliferate

(A) Simplify

(B) Multiply

(C) Glorify

(D) Dignify


21. What is the synonym ofCheeky

(A) Impure

(B) Impudent

(C) Impressive

(D) Impassable


22. What is the synonym of Hastened

(A) Quietened

(B) Stared

(C) Quickened

(D) Hasty


23. What is the synonym of Respites

(A) Short interval

(B) Dejections

(C) Troubles

(D) Mirths


24. What is the synonym of Sepulchral

(A) Cheerful

(B) Mourning 

(C) Resonant

(D) Roaring


25. What is the synonym of Realm

(A) Defense

(B) Warfare

(C) Relations

(D) Empire


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