Solved Past Papers MCQs of Lecturer English


Solved Past Papers MCQs of Lecturer English for the preparation of NTS, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPSC, FPSC, OTS, and other academic entry tests and jobs tests.


51. Choose a proper proposition for the blank space in the following sentence: …… the age of 18, he was sent to prison for theft

A) In

B) At

C) On



52. Choose a proper word for the blank the following sentence “you ……. better take off your wet shoes”

A) Had

B) Has

C) Was

D) Can


53. The University Wits were …….

A) Poets

B) Playwrights

C) Novelists

D) Critics


54. Mathew Arnold said An ineffectual angel beating in the void the luminous wings in vain”, about

A) Keats

B) Byron

C) Shelley

D) Blake


55. The Crown of Wild Olive was written by

A) Huxley

B) Ben Johnson

C) Ruskin

D) None these


56. The Tragic Flaw is also called

A) Catharsis

B) Catastrophe

C) Hamartia

D) None of these


57. Who belongs to the Theatre of Absurd

A) Oscar Wilde

B) Backett

C) Ibsen

D) None of these


58. My Fair Lady is a Cinematic Version of

A) Pygmalion

B) Candida

C) Setting Married

D) None of these


59. “She dwells with beauty-beauty that must die” is a line from

A) Ode to Nightingale

B) Ode on Indolence

C) Ode to Melancholy

D) None of these


60. The first eight lines of a sonnet are called

A) Octave

B) Sestet

C) Refrain

D) None of these


61. The only play by Shakespeare that conforms to the classical unities is

A) Hamlet

B) Twelfth Night

C) Roman and Juliet

D) None of these


62. “Proper study of Mankind is man” ……. who has said these words

A) Pope

B) Swift

C) Shelley

D) None of these


63. How does lago describe jealousy

A) Downfall of many men

B) The scourge of the weak monster

C) The green eye monster

D) The monster in the thought


64. “The Metaphysical Poets” is a critical essay by

A) Arnold

B) T.S. Eliot

C) Shelley

D) None of these


65. Who said this ‘Poetry is the Criticism of life’

A) Wordsworth

B) Byron

C) T S Eliot

D) Arnold


66. Renaissance first came to the

A) France

B) Italy

C) England

D) Rome


67. ‘Andrea Del Sarto’ is a poem written by

A) Tennyson

B) Browning

C) Keats

D) T.S. Eliot


68. Who represents Prejudice in Jane Austen’s novel ‘Pride and Prejudice’

A) Mr Darcy

B) Miss Elizabeth

C) Miss Jane

D) None of these


69. “Lyrical Ballads’ were published by

A) Coleridge

B) Wordsworth

C) Both Coleridge and Wordsworth

D) None of these


70. “Stream of Consciousness” is the phrase first used by

A) James Joyce

B) William James

C) Virginia Woolf

D) William Faulkner


71. Placing Phrase or Sentences of similar construction and meaning and balancing each other is called

A) Parallelism

B) Alliteration

C) Para Rhyme

D) Rhetoric


72. A figure of speech that contains an exaggeration for emphasis is called

A) Overtone

B) Rhetoric

C) Extended metaphor

D) Hyperbole


73. Rhymed decasyllables, nearly always in Iambic Pentameters rhymed in Pairs are called

A) Heroic Couplet

B) Blank verse

C) Terza Rima

D) Spenserian stanza


74. A sentence that contains two or more independent clauses and no subordinate clauses is a …….

A) Simple sentence

B) Compound sentence

C) Complex sentence

D) Compound-complex / multiple sentence


75. What are two levels of language referred to by the term ‘identity’

A) Phonetics and phonology

B) Sound and meaning

C) Morphology and syntax

D) Structure and use


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Solved Past Papers MCQs of ETEA SST (G) for the preparation of NTS, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPSC, FPSC, OTS, and other academic entry tests and jobs tests.   51)کتنی عمر میں حضور )صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم( اپنے  چاچا ابو طالب کے ہمراہ ملک شام تجارات کی غرض سے تشریف […]
Solved Past Papers MCQs of ETEA SST (G) (
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