CSS Vocabulary (A-Z)

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963. facetious: characterized by wit and pleasantry.
964. facetious: playfully jocular; humorous.
965. facile: easily done or performed.
966. facile: performable or attainable with little labor.
967. factious: addicted to form parties and raise dissensions.
968. factitious: artificial; not authentic or genuine
969. factitious: artificial; sham; not natural.
970. factotum: a person employed to do all kinds of work.
971. faineant: doing nothing; idle; also, a do-nothing.
972. fait accompli: an accomplished and presumably irreversible deed or fact.
973. fait accompli: an accomplished and presumably irreversible deed or fact.
974. fallible: liable to make a mistake.
975. fanfaronade: empty boasting; bluster.
976. farrago: an assortment.
977. farrago: an assortment; a medley.
978. fatidic: of, relating to, or characterized by prophecy.
979. fatuous: inanely foolish; stupid; also, illusory.
980. fatuous: weak; silly; stupid; foolish.
981. favonian: pertaining to the west wind; soft; mild; gentle.
982. fealty: fidelity; allegiance; faithfulness.
983. febrile: feverish.
984. febrile: feverish.
985. feckless: ineffective; weak; worthless.
986. fecund: fruitful; prolific.
987. felicitous: apt or appropriate; also, delightful.
988. felicitous: apt; also, delightful.
989. felicitous: apt; also, delightful.
990. fetid: stinking.
991. fetid: stinking.
992. fetor: a strong, offensive smell.
993. fettle: a state or condition of fitness, order, or mind.
994. fey: possessing or displaying a strange and otherworldly aspect or quality; elfin.
995. fiat: an arbitrary or authoritative command or order.
996. fiduciary: relating to the holding of something in trust for another.
997. filial: of, pertaining to, or befitting a son or daughter.
998. filial: of, pertaining to, or befitting a son or daughter.
999. fillip: a snap; also, a stimulus.
1000. fillip: a snap; also, a stimulus.
1001. fin de siecle: characteristic of the close of the century; sophisticated; world-weary.
1002. firmament: the sky or heavens.
1003. firmament: the sky; the heavens.
1004. flagitious: grossly wicked; scandalous.
1005. flaneur: one who strolls about aimlessly; a lounger; a loafer.
1006. flibbertigibbet: a silly, flighty, or excessively talkative person.
1007. flibbertigibbet: a silly, flighty, or excessively talkative person.
1008. flippant: lacking proper respect or seriousness.
1009. flippant: showing inappropriate levity; pert.
1010. florid: flushed with red; also, excessively ornate.
1011. florid: of a lively reddish color; also, excessively ornate.
1012. flout: to treat with contempt or disregard
1013. flout: to treat with contempt.
1014. flummery: mumbo jumbo; nonsense.
1015. flummery: mumbo jumbo; nonsense.
1016. foment: to instigate; to incite.
1017. foment: to nurse to life or activity; to encourage.
1018. foment: to nurse to life or activity; to incite.
1019. foofaraw: excessive or flashy ornamentation; also, a fuss over a trivial matter.
1020. foofaraw: excessive or flashy ornamentation; also, a fuss over a trivial matter.
1021. fop: a man who is much concerned with his appearance.
1022. fop: a man who is vain about his dress and appearance.
1023. forcible: effected by force used against resistance; also, powerful.
1024. forcible: effected by force used against resistance; also, powerful.
1025. forfend: to avert; also, to protect or preserve.
1026. forgo: to do without.
1027. forlorn: sad and lonely because deserted, abandoned, or lost.
1028. fortuitous: happening by chance.
1029. foundling: an abandoned child.
1030. fractious: tending to cause trouble; also, irritable.
1031. fractious: tending to cause trouble; also, irritable.
1032. frangible: capable of being broken; easily broken.
1033. frangible: capable of being broken; easily broken.
1034. friable: easily crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder.
1035. frisson: a brief moment of intense excitement.
1036. frisson: a shudder of excitement, pleasure, or fear.
1037. fugacious: lasting but a short time.
1038. fugacious: lasting but a short time.
1039. fulminate: to issue or utter verbal attacks or censures.
1040. fulminate: to thunder forth menaces.
1041. fulsome: offensive from excess of praise.
1042. funereal: pertaining to a funeral; solemn; mournful.
1043. funereal: pertaining to or suiting a funeral; gloomy; mournful.
1044. fungible: interchangeable.
1045. furbelow: something showy or superfluous.
1046. furtive: obtained or characterized by stealth; sly; secret; stealthy.
1047. furtive: obtained or characterized by stealth; sly; secret; stealthy.
1048. fustian: a kind of coarse twilled cotton; also, bombast.
1049. fustian: pompous or pretentious language.

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