CSS Vocabulary (A-Z)

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602. daedal: skillful; artistic; ingenious.
603. daedal: skillful; artistic; ingenious.
604. daedal: skillful; artistic; ingenious.
605. daedal: skillful; artistic; ingenious.
606. dapple: a small contrasting blotch; also, to mark with spots.
607. dapple: a small contrasting blotch; also, to mark with spots.
608. dapple: a small spot or blotch.
609. dapple: a small spot or blotch.
610. debouch: to emerge; to issue.
611. debouch: to emerge; to issue.
612. defenestrate: to throw out of a window.
613. defenestrate: to throw out of a window.
614. defenestrate: to throw out of a window.
615. defenestrate: to throw out of a window.
616. deign: to condescend.
617. deign: to condescend.
618. deign: to condescend.
619. deign: to condescend.
620. deipnosophist: one skilled in table talk.
621. deipnosophist: one skilled in table talk.
622. delectation: great pleasure; delight.
623. delectation: great pleasure; delight.
624. deleterious: harmful.
625. deleterious: hurtful; destructive; pernicious.
626. deleterious: hurtful; destructive; pernicious.
627. deliquesce: to melt away or become liquid.
628. deliquesce: to melt away or become liquid.
629. demagogue: a leader who obtains power by means of appeals to the emotions and prejudices
of the populace
630. demagogue: a leader who obtains power by means of appeals to the emotions and prejudices
of the populace.
631. demagogue: a leader who tries to stir up people by appeals to emotion, prejudice, etc.
632. demagogue: a leader who tries to stir up people by appeals to emotion, prejudice, etc.
633. demur: to object; also, to delay.
634. denizen: an inhabitant.
635. denizen: an inhabitant.
636. denouement: the final resolution of the main complication of a literary or dramatic work.
637. denouement: the final resolution of the main complication of a literary or dramatic work.
638. deprecate: to disapprove of strongly.
639. deprecate: to disapprove of strongly.
640. deprecate: to disapprove of; also, to belittle.
641. depredation: an act of plundering or ravaging.
642. depredation: an act of plundering or ravaging.
643. deracinate: to uproot.
644. deracinate: to uproot.
645. deracinate: to uproot.
646. deride: to laugh at with contempt.
647. deride: to laugh at with contempt.
648. derogate: to deviate from expectation; also, to detract; also, to disparage.
649. derogate: to deviate from expectation; also, to detract; also, to disparage.
650. derogate: to deviate from expectation; also, to detract; also, to disparage.
651. descant: a discourse; also, to discourse.
652. descant: a discourse; also, to discourse.
653. descry: to catch sight of something distant or obscure.
654. descry: to catch sight of something distant or obscure.
655. descry: to catch sight of; to detect.
656. descry: to catch sight of; to detect.
657. desideratum: anything desired.
658. desideratum: anything desired.
659. desideratum: something desired.
660. desideratum: something desired.
661. desuetude: disuse.
662. desuetude: disuse.
663. desuetude: disuse.
664. desuetude: disuse.
665. desultory: jumping from subject to subject; erratic; inconsistent.
666. desultory: jumping from subject to subject; erratic; inconsistent.
667. desultory: without logical sequence; disconnected; aimless.
668. desultory: without logical sequence; disconnected; aimless.
669. detritus: debris.
670. detritus: debris.
671. detritus: debris.
672. detritus: debris.
673. deus ex machina: an agent who appears unexpectedly to solve an apparently insoluble
674. deus ex machina: an agent who appears unexpectedly to solve an apparently insoluble
675. deus ex machina: an agent who appears unexpectedly to solve an apparently insoluble
676. deus ex machina: an agent who appears unexpectedly to solve an apparently insoluble
677. diablerie: sorcery; also, mischievous conduct.
678. diablerie: sorcery; also, mischievous conduct.
679. diadem: a crown.
680. diadem: a crown.
681. diaphanous: allowing light to pass through.
682. diaphanous: allowing light to pass through.
683. diaphanous: allowing light to pass through.
684. diaphanous: allowing light to pass through.
685. dictum: an authoritative statement.
686. dictum: an authoritative statement.
687. dictum: an authoritative statement.
688. dictum: an authoritative statement.
689. didactic: conveying instruction; teaching some moral lesson.
690. didactic: conveying instruction; teaching some moral lesson.
691. diffident: bashful or unassertive.
692. diffident: bashful or unassertive.
693. diffident: showing modest reserve.
694. diffident: showing modest reserve.
695. digerati: persons knowledgeable about computers.
696. digerati: persons knowledgeable about computers.
697. diktat: an authoritative decree or order.
698. dilatory: given to, or marked by, procrastination or delay.
699. dilatory: given to, or marked by, procrastination or delay.
700. dilatory: given to, or marked by, procrastination or delay.
701. dilatory: inclined to put off what ought to be done at once.
702. dilatory: inclined to put off what ought to be done at once.
703. dilettante: an amateur; also, an admirer or lover of the fine arts.
704. dilettante: an amateur; also, an admirer or lover of the fine arts.
705. discomfit: to disconcert; also, to thwart.
706. discomfit: to disconcert; also, to thwart.
707. disconcert: to disturb the composure of.
708. disconcert: to disturb the composure of.
709. disconcert: to disturb the composure of.
710. disconcert: to disturb the composure of.
711. disconsolate: hopelessly sad; also, saddening; cheerless.
712. disconsolate: hopelessly sad; also, saddening; cheerless.
713. discrete: constituting a separate thing; also, consisting of distinct or unconnected parts.
714. discrete: constituting a separate thing; also, consisting of distinct or unconnected parts.
715. discrete: constituting a separate thing; also, consisting of distinct or unconnected parts.
716. discrete: constituting a separate thing; also, consisting of distinct or unconnected parts.
717. discursive: digressive; rambling; also, marked by analytical reasoning.
718. dishabille: the state of being carelessly or partially dressed.
719. dishabille: the state of being carelessly or partially dressed.
720. disheveled: disordered; disorderly; untidy.
721. disheveled: disordered; disorderly; untidy.
722. disheveled: in loose disorder; disarranged.
723. disheveled: in loose disorder; disarranged.
724. disparate: fundamentally different; also, composed of dissimilar elements.
725. disparate: fundamentally different; also, composed of dissimilar elements.
726. disparate: fundamentally different; composed of markedly dissimilar elements.
727. disparate: fundamentally different; composed of markedly dissimilar elements.
728. disport: to frolic; to amuse (oneself).
729. disquisition: a formal discourse on a subject.
730. disquisition: a formal discourse on a subject.
731. dissimulate: to feign; to pretend.
732. dissimulate: to feign; to pretend.
733. dissimulate: to hide under a false appearance; also, to feign or pretend.
734. dissolute: loose in morals and conduct.
735. distrait: divided or withdrawn in attention, especially because of anxiety.
736. distrait: divided or withdrawn in attention, especially because of anxiety.
737. doff: to take off; to remove; also, to rid oneself of.
738. doff: to take off; to remove; also, to rid oneself of.
739. dolorous: marked by, causing, or expressing grief or sorrow.
740. dolorous: marked by, causing, or expressing grief or sorrow.
741. donnybrook: a brawl or dispute.
742. donnybrook: a brawl or dispute.
743. donnybrook: a brawl or dispute.
744. doppelganger: a ghostly double.
745. doppelganger: a ghostly double.
746. doppelganger: a ghostly double.
747. doppelganger: a ghostly double.
748. dotage: feebleness of mind due to old age.
749. dotage: feebleness of mind due to old age.
750. dotage: senility.
751. dotage: senility.
752. doughty: valiant; brave.
753. doughty: valiant; brave.
754. doughty: valiant; brave.
755. doughty: valiant; brave.
756. doula: a woman who assists in childbirth.
757. doula: a woman who assists in childbirth.
758. dour: stern or unyielding or gloomy.
759. dour: stern or unyielding or gloomy.
760. dour: stubbornly unyielding; also, harshly uninviting; also, showing a brooding ill humor.
761. dour: stubbornly unyielding; also, harshly uninviting; also, showing a brooding ill humor.
762. doyen: the senior member of a body or group.
763. doyen: the senior member of a body or group.
764. doyen: the senior member of a body or group.
765. dubiety: the condition or quality of being doubtful; also, a matter of doubt.
766. dubiety: the condition or quality of being doubtful; also, a matter of doubt.
767. dudgeon: a state or fit of intense indignation.
768. dudgeon: a state or fit of intense indignation.
769. dudgeon: a state or fit of intense indignation.
770. dudgeon: a state or fit of intense indignation.
771. dulcet: melodious.
772. dulcet: melodious.
773. dyspeptic: pertaining to or having indigestion; also, ill-humored.
774. dyspeptic: pertaining to or having indigestion; also, ill-humored.
775. dyspeptic: pertaining to or having indigestion; also, irritable or ill-humored.
776. dyspeptic: pertaining to or having indigestion; also, irritable or ill-humored.

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