Computer Science Mcqs

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Computer Science Mcqs for the preparation of NTS, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPSC, FPSC, OTS and other academic entry test and jobs tests.


100. What is CPU

(a) Car Pressure Unit

(b) Central Pressure Unit

(c) Central Processor Unit

(d) None of these


101. What do we call moving an object on screen with the mouse

(a) Double Click

(b) Crick

(c) Press and Drag

(d) None of these


102. The famous Silicon Valley is situated in which state of USA

(a) California

(b) New York

(c) Ohio

 (d) New Jersey


103. Which famous computer company was born in a garage at 367, Addison Avenue

(a) IBM

(b) DEC

(c) Hewlett Packard

(d) Compaq


104. Modulate-Demodulate is a communications device that enables a computer to transmit information over a telephone line. By what name it is popular

(a) Scanner

(b) Modem

(c) Modulator

(d) None of these


105. The power of a supercomputer is measured in unit of

(a) MIMS

(b) BITS

(c) TIPS



106. Which file extensions indicate only graphics files

(a) PEG and TIT

(b) BMP and GIF

(c) Both a & b

(d) None of these


107. Why was the first Intel Celeron processor not as popular as expected

(a) No level 2 cache

(b) Caused Excess heat

(C) Both a & b

(d) None of the above


108. A Computer Virus cannot be contracted by

(a) Computer Scanner

(b) Floppy diskette

(c) Both a & b

(d) None of the above


109. Compact discs, (according to the original CD specifications) hold how many minutes of music

(a) 74 mins

(b) 60 mins

(c) Both a & b

(d) None of these


110. What do we call the basic software that allows your computer to work

(a) File Cabinet

(b) System Files

(c) Application Files

(d) None of these


111. Where is the headquarters of Microsoft located

(a) Redmond, Washington

(b) Santa Cara, California

(c) New York USA

(d) Paris France


112. Which hard disk will be able to store more information

(a) 24Gig

(b) 24MB

(c) Both, a & b

(d) None of these


113. The windows registry consists of which two files

(a) win.reg and user.dat

(b) user.dat and system.dat

(c) Both a &

(d) None of the above


114. In the world of computers, what is bus width

(a) The number of pins in a computer port

(b) The number of bits that can be sent to a CPU simultaneously

(c) Both a & b

(d) None of the above


115. Write office automation package of Microsoft

(a) MS Office

(b) MS House

(c) MS Gate

(d) None of these


116. A computer tower is NOT

(a) A CPU

(b) A peripheral

(c) Both a & b

(d) None of these


117. What type of device is a floppy drive

(a) Storage

(b) Software

(c) Both a & b

(d) None of these


118. Which Windows program do you use to manage folders and files

(a) Windows Explorer

(b) Windows Accessories

(c) Both a & b

(d) None of the above


119. What does the term IRQ stand for

(a) Interrupt Request

(b) Interrupt Request Que

(c) Both a & b

(d) None of the above


120. FORTRAN, a computer programming language is mainly used for what purpose

(a) Business applications

(b) Scientific Research

(c) Word Processing

(d) None of these

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