Solved Past Papers MCQs of MDCAT 4

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Solved Past Papers MCQs of MDCAT for the preparation of Medical and Dental College Admission Test and other medical tests.


Q.161 Antibiotics that kill microbes immediately are called

A) Microbistatic C) Biostatic

B) Microbicidal D) Chemotherapeutic


Q.162 Which one of the following fungi causes vaginal thrush?

A) Candida C) Tortula

B) Aspergillus D) Penicillium


Q.163 Body cavity of round worms is called

A) Pseudocoelom C) Acoelom

B) Coelom D) Enteron


Q.164 Fasciola is endoparasite of

A) Colon C) Small Intestine

B) Liver D) Bile Duct


Q.165 Trypanosoma is transmitted in human beings by

A) Plasmodium C) House Fly

B) Anopheles D) Tsetse Fly


Q.166 The nervous system develops from which of the following layer during embryonic development of animals

A) Mesoderm C) Endoderm

B) Ectoderm D) Mesoderm and Endoderm


Q.167 Endosperm is formed as a result of

A) Pollination C) Double Fertilization

B) Self-Pollination D) Cross Pollination


Q.168 Which of the following enzyme is released in an inactive form

A) Amylase C) Enterokinase

B) Lipase D) Pepsin


Q.169 Which of the following hormones stimulate the secretion of pancreatic juice from pancreas in liver?

A) Secretin C) Gastrin

B) Pepsinogen D) Both Gastrin and Secretin


Q.170 In large intestine, vitamin k is formed by the activity of

A) Symbiotic Bacteria C) Parasitic Bacteria

B) Obligate Bacteria D) Facultative Bacteria


Q.171 During swallowing of food which structure close nasal opening?

A) Hard Palate C) Epiglottis

B) Soft Palate D) Larynx


Q.172 The right atrium of the heart usually receives the

A) Deoxygenated Blood C) Filtered Blood

B) Oxygenated Blood D) Non-Filtered Blood


Q.173 The largest lymph duct called thoracic lymph duct drains into

A) Subclavian Vein C) Pulmonary Vein

B) Renal Vein D) Hepatic Portal Vein


Q.174 Which protein plays a major role in maintaining osmotic balance?

A) Albumin C) Fibrinogen

B) Globulin D) Prothrombin


Q.175 The type of agranulocytes which stays in blood for a few hours and then enters tissues and become macrophages are

A) Lymphocytes C) Eosinophils

B) Monocyte D) Basophils


Q.176 Reabsorption of water by counter current multiplier mechanism takes place at

A) Proximal Tubule C) Collecting Duct

B) Distal Tubule D) Loop of Henle


Q.177 Antiduretic hormone helps in reabsorption of water by changing permeability of

A) Proximal Tubule C) Collecting Duct

B) Distal Tubule D) Loop of Henle


Q.178 During peritoneal dialysis, dialysis fluid is introduced into which part of human body?

A) Liver C) Kidney

B) Abdomen D) Pancreas


Q.179 Aldosterone helps in conservation or active absorption of

A) Sodium C) Potassium

B) Calcium D) Bicarbonate Ions


Q.180 Maximum reabsorption takes place in which part of the nephron?

A) Distal Tubule C) Cortical Tissue

B) Villi D) Proximal Tubule


Q.181 Over-activity of sympathetic nervous system causes

A) Disturbance of Vision C) Decrease in Blood Pressure

B) Constipation D) Increase in Heart Rate


Q.182 Which structures respond when they are stimulated by impulse coming through motor neuron?

A) Receptors C) Effectors

B) Responses D) Transduction


Q.183 Respiratory center is located in

A) Cerebrum C) Medulla

B) Cerebellum D) Hypothalamus


Q.184 A neurological condition characterized by involuntary tremors, diminished motor activity and rigidity is called

A) Epilepsy C) Alzheimer’s Disease

B) Parkinson’s Disease D) Cerebullar Tumours


Q.185 A type of cell in human testes which produces testosterone is called

A) Interstitial Cells C) Sertoli Cells

B) Germ Cells D) Spermatocytes


Q.186 Breakdown of endometrium during menstruation is due to

A) Increase in Level of LH C) Increase in Level of Progesterone

B) Decrease in Level of Progesterone D) Increase in Level of Oestrogen


Q.187 Oogonia are produced in the germ cells

A) Both Uterus and Cervix C) Uterus

B) Cervix D) Ovary


Q.188 Which of the following diseases can be prevented through vaccination?

A) AIDS and Cancer C) Typhoid and Cancer

B) Malaria and AIDS D) Measles and Mumps


Q.189 Newly produced cells/individuals which are identical in each other are known as

A) Genetically Modified C) Transgenic Bacteria

B) Transgenic Animals D) Clones


Q.190 Which of the following is a blood borne disease?

A) Hepatitis C) Influenza

B) Cholera D) Candidiasis


Q.191 The control of pest has traditionally meant regulation by natural enemies, predators, parasites and pathogens. This type of control is known as

A) Cultural Control C) Pesticides Control

B) Biological Control D) Insecticides Control


Q.192 Which of the following organelles is concerned with the cell secretion

A) Ribosomes C) Lysosomes

B) Golgi Apparatus D) Mitochondria


Q.193 Which of the following contains peptidoglycan cell wall?

A) Penicillium C) Adiantum

B) Bacterium D) Polytrichum


Q.194 The inner membrane of mitochondria is folded to form finger like structure called

A) Cristae C) Matrix

B) Vesicle D) Cisternae


Q.195 Interior of chloroplast is divided into heterogeneous structure, embedded in the matrix known as

A) Grana C) Thylakoids

B) Stroma D) Cisternae


Q.196 In which phase of the cell division the metabolic activity of the nucleus is high?

A) Mitosis C) Meiosis

B) Interphase D) Cell Cycle


Q.197 Luteinizing hormone triggers

A) Cessation of Oogenesis C) Ovulation

B) Breakdown of Oocyte D) Development of Zygote


Q.198 Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease which is caused by

A) HIV / AIDS C) Treponema Pallidum

B) Pseudomonas Pyogenes D) Neisseria


Q.199 Muscle is made up of many cells which are referred to as

A) Myofilaments C) Sarcolemma

B) Myofibrils D) Muscles Fiber


Q.200 The length of myofibril from one Z-band to the next is known as

A) Sarcomere C) Sarcoplasm

B) Sarcolemma D) Muscle Fiber



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