Solved Past Papers MCQs of MDCAT 1

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Solved Past Papers MCQs of MDCAT for the preparation of Medical and Dental College Admission Test and other medical tests.


Q.201 Which hormone continues to promote protein synthesis throughout the body even after the cease in growth?




Q.202 Position of a gene on the chromosome is called its

A) Phenotype. C) Junction.

B) Locus. D) Genotype.


Q.203 Pick the biotic component from the following.

A) Soil. C) Atmosphere.

B) Water. D) Animals.


Q.204 The two strands in DNA are coiled __________ to each other.

A) Parallel. C) Both A, B.

B) Antiparallel. D) None of these.


Q.205 Name the class without antennae.

A) Arachnida. C) Insecta.

B) Myriapoda. D) Crustacea.


Q.206 The African sleeping sickness is caused by __________

A) Entamoeba histolytica. C) Zooflagellates.

B) Trypanosoma. D) Ciliates.


Q.207 Which of the following does not belong to angiospermic families?

A) Picea. C) Rosaceae.

B) Poaceae. D) Fabaceae.


Q.208 Name the nutrition resulted by feeding on dead and decaying matter.

A) Saprophytic. C) Symbiotic.

B) Parasitic. D) Both B and C.


Q.209 How many grams of nitrogen can be eliminated in form of uric acid by 50 ml of water?

A) 20. C) 30.

B) 25. D) 50.


Q.210 Which disease is caused by low calcium in the blood?

A) Tetany. C) Muscle fatigue.

B) Cramp. D) Sciatica.


Q.211 It is known that red light __________ flowering in the long day plants.

A) Synchronizes. C) Promotes.

B) Inhibits. D) Does not affect.


Q.212 The colour phenotype of the grain is the sum of individual effects of _____ alleles.

A) Six. C) Four.

B) Five. D) Five or three.


Q.213 In __________ zone the light is insufficient to support photosynthesis.

A) Desert. C) Littoral.

B) Profundal. D) All of these.


Q.214 The optimum temperature for enzymes of human body is

A) 32 o C) 313 K.

B) 46 o D) 37 oC.


Q.215 Which of the following damages wooden ships?

A) Sepia. C) Teredo.

B) Limax. D) Ostrea.


Q.216 Which of the following may build coral reefs along with coral animals?

A) Myxomycota. C) Green algae.

B) Brown algae. D) Red algae.


Q.217 Which of the following do not have a body cavity?

A) Pseudocoelomata. C) Coelomata.

B) Acoelomata. D) None of these.


Q.218 Name the neurotic disorder characterized by bouts of over eating of fattening foods.

A) Bulimia nervosa. C) Anorexia nervosa.

B) Dyspepsia. D) Salmonella.


Q.219 Which one of these is an example of tubular excretory system called metanephridia?

A) Planaria. C) Cockroach.

B) Hydra. D) Earthworm.


Q.220 Name the human tissues that contain about 85% water

A) Nerve cells. C) Brain cells.

B) Bone cells. D) None of these.


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Solved Past Papers MCQs of MDCAT 2

Solved Past Papers MCQs of MDCAT for the preparation of Medical and Dental College Admission Test and other medical tests.   Q.176 Out of the given options, choose the one which shows the structures found only in plants A) Vacuole, Chloroplast, Ribosomes C) Chloroplast, Cell Wall, Vacuole B) Chloroplast, Microtubules, […]
Solved Past Papers MCQs of MDCAT 2 (Medical and Dental College Admission Test) (
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