Solved Past Papers MCQs of Lecturer Psychology

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Solved Past Papers MCQs of Lecturer Psychology for the preparation of NTS, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPSC, FPSC, OTS, and other academic entry tests and jobs tests.


26. Sports performance is the bi-product of

A) Skill

B) Conditional ability

C) Total personality

D) Tactical ability


27. The list metamorphosis falls between the ages of

A) 7-10 years

B) 3-5years

C) 11-14 years

D) 2-4 years


28. How is the discipline of Psychology defined today

A) The science of behavior and mental processes

B) The science of human behavior and mental processes

C) The science of mind

C) The study of motivation, emotion, personality, adjustment, and abnormality


29. Who is regarded as the ‘father’ of psychology

A) Sigmund Freud

B) Ivan Pavlov

C) John B Watson

D) Wundt


30. When catching a ball, your hand knows when to grasp it because

A) Your parasympathetic nervous system is active

B) Alpha waves are being generated by your brain

C) Participating muscles receive efferent signals from the brain

D) Afferent signals inform your hand that the ball is about to make contact


31. Body-mind relationship was first promulgated by

A) Socrates

B) Plato

C) Hitler

D) Homer


32. Who said, “I think therefore I am”

A) Descartes

B) Plato

C) Aristotle

C) Rousseau


33. Who said, “Sound mind in a sound body”

A) Descartes

B) Rousseau

C) Aristotle

D) Plato


34. The hereditary factors of learning are

A) Height and weight

B) Physical structure

C) Body composition

D) All of these


35. Autogenic training is a technique to

A) Bring about relaxation in the body

B) Increase anxiety level

C) Counter avoidance syndrome

D) None of the above


36. The stress condition is

A) Advantageous to the performer

B) Detrimental to the performer

C) Neither

D) Helpful in the development of strength


37. Which law of Learning states that things most often repeated are best retained

A) Law of Readiness

B) Law of Exercise

C) Law of Effect

D) Law of Recency


38. Which is the most effective method for encouraging self-learning

A) Demonstration Method

B) Lecture method

C) Observation Method

D) Task method


39. Which one is the simplest form of cognition

A) Conception

B) Perception

C) Sensation

D) Affection


40. The state of first creating and strong almost unusable impression. That is

A) Law of Primacy

B) Law of Intensity

C) Law of Recency

D) Law of Effect


41. That the things most recently learned are best remembered refers to

A) Law of intensity

B) Law of effect

C) Law of Primacy

D) Law of Recency


42. Which is the lowest level of learning

A) Rote learning

B) Understanding

C) Application

D) Correlation


43. Emotional stability, anxiety, sadness, and built ability are attributes of which persona, dimension

A) Extroversion

B) Agreeableness

C) Bourgeoisies

D) Openness


44. Which of the following is not an attribute of agreeableness personality dimension

A) Altruism

B) Complexity

C) Trust

D) Modesty


45. The leader who allows complete freedom in decision making and does not participate in the group activities is

A) Autocratic

B) Democratic

C) Laissez-faire

D) None of these


46. Stress is

A) Advantageous to the player

B) Belongingness

C) Both advantageous and detrimental as per the situation

D) None of the above


47. Maslow places which needs at the bottom of the hierarchy

A) Esteem

B) Safety

C) Detrimental to his abilities

D) Physiological


48. Which law of learning is also called the law of use and disuse

A) Law of Exercise

B) Law of Effect

C) Law of Readiness

D) Law of Intimacy


49. The law of effect is also known as

A) Law of Use and Disuse

B) Law of Recency

C) Law of Satisfaction

D) Law of Frequency


50. The response defined as a result of training is called

A) Conditioned stimulus

B) Unconditioned reflex

C) Conditioned reflex

D) Conation


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