Solved Past Papers MCQs of Lecturer Physical Education

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Solved Past Papers MCQs of Lecturer Physical Education for the preparation of NTS, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPSC, FPSC, OTS, and other academic entry tests and jobs tests.


76. Which shortcut key is used to spell check in MS-Word

A) F1

B) F3

C) F5

D) F7


77. Who is the author of “Pakistan: The Gathering Storm”

A) Pervez Musharraf

B) Z.A. Bhutto

C) Muhammad Ali

D) Benazir Bhutto


78. Newton is a unit of

A) Force

B) Velocity

C) Work

D) Energy


79. Sergeant Jump measures

A) Explosive leg strength

B) Agility

C) Explosive arm strength

D) Flexibility


80. Which of the following Indicates consistency in performance

A) Validity

B) Reliability

C) Stability

D) Objectivity


81. The sampling method chosen when the members of a special population are difficult   to locate is

A) Availability sampling

B) Purposive sampling

C) Snowball sampling

D) Dimensional sampling


82. Which of the following is not a method to ascertain whether two variables are correlated or not

A) Concurrent deviation method

B) Method of least squares

C) Scatter diagram method

D) Lorenz curve


83. IAAF stands for

A) International Armature Athletic Federation

B) International Athletic of American Federation

C) International Association of Athletics Federation

D) International Association of Athletics and field events


84. Which test is also known as the variance ratio test

A) F-test

B) Z-test

C) T-Test

D) Chi-square


85. Which of the following is not a test for agility

A) Illness agility run test

B) “T” Drill test

C) Stork Stand test

D) Quick Feel test


86. Getting the right fact to the right people at the right time in the right way is called

A) Game Management

B) Public Relations in sport

C) Motivation for sport

D) Leadership in Sport


87. What of the following is not an appropriate activity for Developmental level III

 A) Beach ball Volleyball

B) Mini-Volleyball

C) Pass & Dig

 D) Regulation Volleyball


88. What is the term used to describe a runner whose feet do not make much of a rolling in motion when landing

A) Under Pronator

B) Normal Pronator

C) Over Pronator

D) Heavy foot striker


89. “The things most recently learned are best remembered” refers to

A) Law of Intensity

B) Law of effect

C) Law of primacy

D) Law of recency


90. In a sprint race, if the flash is not visible, time shall be taken from the

A) Sound of gun

B) Smoke

C) Whistle

D) Card


91. The following are the standard distance of the Hurdle race for men

A) 100m and 400mts

B) 110m and 400mts

C) 800m and 200mts

D) None of these


92. An offensive play that is commonly used in basketball for a set shot is the

A) Pivot

B) Hook

C) Feint

D) Screen


93. Which of the following Vitamins is water-soluble

A) C & B Complex

B) D & K Complex

C) A & D Complex

D) B1 & B5 Complex


94. Cretin Phosphate releases energy

A) Directly

B) With the help of glucose

C) With the help of ATP

D) All of these


95. Transition period aims at ……

A)  Stabilization or performance

B)  Super composition

C) Recreation

D) Recovery


96. In 110-meter hurdles, the number of strides performed between two hurdles is

A) 5

B) 8

C) 3

D) 4


97. In 3000m steeplechase, the number of water Jump is 7 the total number of Jumps are

A) 34

B) 36

C) 35

D) 33


98. K2 is also known as

A) Goodwin Austin

B) Broad Peak

C) Roshan Peak

D) None of these


99. The strength of the Federal Shariat Court in Pakistan is

A) Six Judges

B) Eight Judges

C) Ten Judges

D) None of these


100. Which article of the Pakistan constitution 1973 provides a term for President

A) 40

B) 41

C) 42

D) 44

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