Solved Past Papers MCQs of Caretaker Lahore High Court

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Solved Past Papers MCQs of Caretaker Lahore High Court for the preparation of NTS, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPSC, FPSC, OTS, and other academic entry tests and jobs tests.


51. The 10th BRICS Summit in July 2018 took place in

A) Russia

B) China

C) South America

D) South Africa


52. The world’s largest saltwater lake is

A) Baikal

B) Superior

C) Caspian Sea

D) None of these


53. 18th Amendment in 1973 Constitution stripped the powers of

A) Prime Minister

B) President

C) Chief Executive

D) Chairman NAB


54. Which of the following novels was written by the famous writer of Pakistani origin, Bapsi Sidhwa

A) Moth Smoke

B) A Suitable Boy

C) Crow Eaters

D) Exploding Mangoes


55. Shah of Iran Reza Shah Pahlavi was ousted from power by a revolution in the year

A) 1976

B) 1977

C) 1978

D) 1979


56. 18 is 75% of which value

A) 34

B) 24

C) 22

D) 20


57. In computing, what does BIOS stand for

A) Basic Input/Output System

B) Binary Input/Output System

C) Basic Internet/Output System

D) Broad Internet/Output System


58. Computer software company Microsoft  is located in

A) Britain

B) Japan

C) U.S.A

D) Italy


59. The main function of Kidneys is

A) To control blood pressure

B) To control blood temperature

C) To remove waste products from the body

D) To help in the digestion of food


60. A sum of Rs.12,500 amounts to Rs. 15,500 in 4 years after interest. What is the rate of interest

A) 3%

B) 5%

C) 6%

D) 7%


61. House of Lords in the Upper House of the Parliament of

A) U.K

B) U.S.A

C) Sweden

D) France


62. Plutocracy is such a government that is run by

A) Scholars

B) Illiterates

C) Wealthy class

D) Poor class


63. What is the speed of a car that travels 700 km in 3 hours and 30 minutes

A) 150 km/h

B) 175 km/h

C) 185 km/h

D) 200 km/h 200 km/h


64. On 2 November 2011, an organization was established to discuss peace and stability in Afghanistan, called

A) Pivot Asia


C) Asia Forum

D) Heart of Asia


65. The Spratly Islands in the South China Sea are disputed between China and

A) Vietnam

B) Malaysia

C) Philippine

D) All of these


66. Dialysis process used for cleaning 

A) Liver

B) Kidneys

C) Gall Bladder

D) Heart


67. Name the youngest Pakistani to be awarded the Nishan-i-Haider

A) Havaldar Lalak Jan

B) Captain Raja Muhammad Sarwar

C) Pilot officer Rashid Minhas

D) Lance Naik Muhammad Mahfuz


68. Satyagraha was started by

A) Jawaharlal Nehru

B) Jiv Shankar

C) Anil Shetty

D) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi


69. If x + Y = 6, y + z = 7, and z + x = 9, the average (arithmetic mean) of x, y and z is

A) 11/3

B) 11/2

C) 22/3

D) 11


70. Reports by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as well as the Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) have alerted that Pakistan will reach absolute water scarcity by the year

A) 2020

B) 2022

C) 2025

D) 2028


71. Who wrote Principia Ethica

A) Moore

B) Ross

C) Hare

D) Mill


72. Napoleon Bonaparte was

A) French

B) German

C) British

D) Italian


73. Find the odd one out: 8, 27, 64, 100 125, 216, 343

A) 27

B) 100

C) 125

D) 343


74. The Anjuman-i-Himayat-i-Islam was founded with the objective

A) For social gatherings among Muslims of Punjab

B) To help Muslims to secure Government jobs

C) To encourage a non-communal approach to Provincial problems

D) To defend Islam against the onslaughts of the missionaries and provide western instructions education along with religious instructions


75. Abdul Purchased 20 dozen toys at the rate of Rs.375 per dozen. He sold each toy for Rs. 33. What was his percentage profit

A) 3.5%

B) 4.5%

C) 5.6%

D) 6.5%



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