Solved Past Papers MCQs of Airport Security Force (ASF) Inspector

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Solved Past Papers MCQs of Airport Security Force (ASF) Inspector for the preparation of NTS, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPSC, FPSC, OTS, and other academic entry tests and jobs tests.


21. Parcel Islands in the South China Sea are disputed between China and

(A) Vietnam

(B) Japan

(C) Philippines

(D) None of these


22. One of the following is crucial to the ecosystem because they cycle nutrients from the organism back to the environment 

(A) Omnivores

(B) Carnivores

(C) Top carnivores

(D) Decomposers


23. The persons whose blood has a reduced capacity for delivering oxygen to tissues suffer from

(A) Hemophilia

(B) Sickle cell

(C) Colorblind

(D) None of these


24. Name the first Pakistani who received a German literary award in 2011 

(A) Asghar Ali

(B) Zab ul Nisa

(C) Jaffar Hussan Jaffari

(D) None of these


25. Which one of the following is produced by hybridization and selective breeding

(A) Neeli Ravi buffalo

(B) Rahu Thaila Hybrid

(C) Sahiwal OX

(D) All of these


26. Khalida is the international Airport of which country

(A) Lebanon

(B) Pakistan

(C) Bangladesh

(D) Malaysia


27. Who compiled the first English dictionary

(A) Robert Cawdrey

(B) Samuel Johnson

(C) Stevenson

(D) None of these


28. Mulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, Maulana Rasheed Ahmad, and Maulana Mahmood ul Hassan belonged to

(A) Ali Garh Movement

(B) Deoband movement

(C) Both

(D) None of these


29. MI6 is the Secret Intelligence Service of _______________

(A) Japan

(B) Britain

(C) America

(D) None of these


30. Zambia is the new name of__________

(A) Northern Rhodesia

(B) Hispania

(C) Congo

(D) None of these


31. Malagasy is the new name of._______

(A) Zaire

(B) Petrograd

(C) Madagascar

(D) None of these


32. Petra an archaeological site is among the new seven Wonder of the world located in_________

(A) Jordan

(B) Italy

(C) India

(D) None of these


33. ITAR-TASS is the news agency of which country

(A) Afghanistan

(B) India

(C) China

(D) Russia


34. Under the status of forces agreement with the Iraqi government US intended to remove All troops all Iraq by the end of 

(A) 2013

(B) 2012

(C) 2011

(D) 2014


35. A Jaundiced Eye Means

(A) A Prejudiced Person

(B) Offer gratitude

(C) An intelligent

(D) None of these


36. Dr. Abdus Salam Received the Nobel Prize in ——– subject

(A) Chemistry

(B) Physics

(C) Peace

(D) Biology


37. The conservation of hawks and owls are important to mankind chiefly because these birds eat

(A) Many harmful rodents

(B) Harmful reptiles

(C) Harmful birds

(D) None of these


38. The best way to tackle local environmental problems is to

(A) Provide environmental education to the local people and create awareness

(B) Leave it to the local public to decide

(C) Use the local administrative machinery

(D) All of these


39. Which of the following is not a part of Darwinism

(A) Inheritance for acquired characters

(B) Natural selection

(C) Overproduction

(D) None of these


40. The wrote the famous poem Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

(A) William Shakespeare

(B) Jane Taylor

(C) Charles Dickens

(D) Jane Austin


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Solved Past Papers MCQs of Airport Security Force (ASF) Inspector 2

Solved Past Papers MCQs of Airport Security Force (ASF) Inspector for the preparation of NTS, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPSC, FPSC, OTS, and other academic entry tests and jobs tests.   21. Choose the antonym of SYMPATHY (A) Enmity (B) Cruelty (C) Abhorrence (D) None of these   22. Just after […]
Solved Past Papers MCQs of Airport Security Force (ASF) Inspector 2 (
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