CSS Vocabulary (A-Z)

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2017. taciturn: not apt to talk or speak.
2018. taciturn: not inclined to talk.
2019. tarradiddle: a fib; also, pretentious nonsense.
2020. tatterdemalion: a person dressed in tattered clothing.
2021. tattoo: a rapid, rhythmic drumming or rapping.
2022. taw: a large marble.
2023. tchotchke: a trinket; a knickknack.
2024. tchotchke: a trinket; a knickknack.
2025. teetotaler: one pledged to abstinence from alcoholic drinks.
2026. teetotaler: one pledged to abstinence from alcoholic drinks.
2027. temerarious: reckless; rash.
2028. temerity: unreasonable contempt of danger.
2029. temerity: unreasonable or foolhardy contempt of danger.
2030. tendentious: marked by a strong tendency in favor of a particular point of view.
2031. tendentious: marked by a strong tendency in favor of a particular point of view.
2032. tenebrous: dark; gloomy
2033. tenebrous: dark; gloomy.
2034. tenet: any opinion, principle, or doctrine held to be true.
2035. tenet: any opinion, principle, or doctrine held to be true.
2036. tergiversation: evasion; also, desertion of a cause, party, etc.
2037. termagant: a scolding, nagging, bad-tempered woman.
2038. termagant: a scolding, nagging, bad-tempered woman.
2039. terminus: the end of a transportation line or route; any finishing point.
2040. tetchy: peevish; testy; irritable.
2041. tete-a-tete: a private conversation.
2042. thaumaturgy: magic.
2043. thaumaturgy: the performance of miracles or magic.
2044. timorous: full of apprehensiveness.
2045. timorous: full of apprehensiveness; fearful.
2046. tintinnabulation: a tinkling sound, as of a bell or bells.
2047. tirade: a long angry speech.
2048. tirade: a long angry speech.
2049. titivate: to smarten up; to spruce.
2050. titivate: to smarten up; to spruce.
2051. tittle-tattle: idle, trifling talk.
2052. tmesis: in grammar and rhetoric, the separation of the parts of a compound word.
2053. tmesis: in grammar and rhetoric, the separation of the parts of a compound word.
2054. tocsin: a warning.
2055. toothsome: delicious, attractive, or luscious.
2056. toothsome: delicious; attractive; luscious.
2057. toper: a drunkard; a sot.
2058. torpid: dull; sluggish; apathetic.
2059. torpid: dull; sluggish; inactive.
2060. torrid: drying or scorching with heat; burning; parching.
2061. tortuous: marked by repeated turns and bends.
2062. tortuous: marked by repeated turns and bends.
2063. tractable: docile; manageable, governable.
2064. traduce: to vilify.
2065. trammel: something that impedes activity, progress, or freedom; also, to hamper.
2066. transmogrify: to change into a different shape.
2067. transmogrify: to transform.
2068. transmute: to change from one nature, form, substance, or state into another.
2069. travail: intense pains; agony.
2070. travail: painful, arduous work; also, agony, anguish.
2071. tremulous: shaking, quivering; also, affected with fear.
2072. trenchant: forceful and vigorous; also, caustic; also, clear-cut.
2073. trencherman: a hearty eater.
2074. trepidation: a state of dread or alarm; apprehension.
2075. trepidation: quaking; quivering.
2076. trice: an instant; a moment.
2077. triskaidekaphobia: fear of the number 13.
2078. triskaidekaphobia: fear of the number 13.
2079. troglodyte: someone who dwells in a cave.
2080. troglodyte: someone who dwells in a cave.
2081. truckle: to act in a subservient manner.
2082. truckle: to act in a subservient manner.
2083. truculent: fierce; savage; ferocious.
2084. tryst: an appointment (as between lovers) to meet.
2085. tumult: the commotion or agitation of a crowd.
2086. turbid: muddy; not clear; also, confused; disordered.
2087. turgid: swollen, bloated; also, bombastic, pompous.
2088. turpitude: baseness; depravity.
2089. turpitude: baseness; depravity.
2090. tutelage: guardianship; protection; also, instruction.
2091. tutelage: protection; also, instruction.
2092. tutelary: guardian; protecting.
2093. tutelary: guardian; protecting.
2094. tyro: a novice.
2095. tyro: a novice.

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