CSS Vocabulary (A-Z)

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1853. sacrosanct: sacred; inviolable.
1854. sacrosanct: sacred; inviolable.
1855. sagacious: of keen penetration and judgment; wise.
1856. salad days: a time of youthful inexperience, innocence, or indiscretion.
1857. salad days: a time of youthful inexperience, innocence, or indiscretion.
1858. salient: noticeable; also, projecting; also, leaping.
1859. salient: noticeable; also, projecting; also, leaping.
1860. salmagundi: a mixture or assortment; also, a kind of mixed dish or salad.
1861. salubrious: healthful.
1862. salubrious: healthful; promoting health.
1863. salutary: beneficial; also, healthful.
1864. salutary: beneficial; also, healthful.
1865. sanctum: a place where one is free from intrusion.
1866. sanctum: a place where one is free from intrusion.
1867. sang-froid: coolness in trying circumstances.
1868. sang-froid: coolness in trying circumstances.
1869. sapient: wise; sage; discerning.
1870. sapient: wise; sage; discerning.
1871. sardonic: bitterly sarcastic.
1872. sardonic: scornful, mocking.
1873. sartorial: of or relating to a tailor, tailoring, or clothing.
1874. sartorial: of or relating to a tailor, tailoring, or clothing.
1875. satiety: fullness to or beyond the point of satisfaction.
1876. satiety: fullness to or beyond the point of satisfaction.
1877. scapegrace: one who is wild and reckless.
1878. scapegrace: one who is wild and reckless.
1879. schadenfreude: a malicious satisfaction in the misfortunes of others.
1880. schadenfreude: a malicious satisfaction in the misfortunes of others.
1881. scintilla: a tiny amount; a spark.
1882. scintilla: a tiny amount; a spark.
1883. scion: a descendant; an heir.
1884. scion: a descendant; an heir.
1885. scrabble: to scrape or scratch with the hands or feet.
1886. scuttlebutt: gossip; rumor.
1887. sedition: incitement of rebellion against lawful authority.
1888. sedulous: diligent in application or pursuit.
1889. sedulous: marked by care and persistent effort.
1890. segue: to proceed without interruption.
1891. segue: to proceed without interruption.
1892. segue: to proceed without interruption.
1893. sempiternal: everlasting; endless.
1894. sempiternal: everlasting; eternal.
1895. senescence: the state of being or growing old.
1896. sentient: capable of perceiving by the senses.
1897. sentient: capable of perceiving by the senses.
1898. sere: dry; withered.
1899. serendipity: the faculty or phenomenon of making fortunate accidental discoveries.
1900. serendipity: the faculty or phenomenon of making fortunate accidental discoveries.
1901. seriatim: in a series; one after another.
1902. seriatim: in a series; one after another.
1903. sesquipedalian: (of words) long; having many syllables.
1904. sesquipedalian: (of words) long; having many syllables.
1905. simulacrum: a representation; an insubstantial or vague semblance.
1906. simulacrum: a representation; an insubstantial or vague semblance.
1907. sine qua non: an indispensable thing.
1908. sine qua non: an indispensable thing.
1909. sinecure: an office or position that involves little work or responsibility.
1910. sinecure: an office or position which involves little responsibility.
1911. skulduggery: devious, dishonest, or unscrupulous behavior or activity.
1912. skulk: To hide in a sneaking manner.
1913. skulk: to hide in a sneaking manner.
1914. slake: to satisfy or quench; also, to cause to lessen.
1915. slaver: to slobber; to drool.
1916. slaver: to slobber; to drool.
1917. slugabed: a person who stays in bed until a relatively late hour.
1918. slugabed: one who stays in bed until a late hour.
1919. small beer: weak beer; also, matters of little importance.
1920. small beer: weak beer; also, trivia.
1921. sobriquet: a nickname.
1922. sobriquet: a nickname.
1923. soi-disant: self-styled; so-called.
1924. soi-disant: self-styled; so-called.
1925. sojourn: to dwell for a time.
1926. sojourn: to dwell for a time; also, a temporary stay.
1927. solace: comfort in grief.
1928. solace: comfort in grief.
1929. solecism: a nonstandard usage or grammatical construction.
1930. solicitous: manifesting or expressing care or concern.
1931. solicitous: manifesting, expressing, or full of care or concern.
1932. somniferous: causing or inducing sleep.
1933. somniferous: causing or inducing sleep.
1934. somnolent: drowsy; also, tending to cause sleepiness.
1935. somnolent: inclined to sleep.
1936. sonorous: yielding sound; impressive in sound.
1937. sonorous: yielding sound; impressive in sound.
1938. soporific: causing sleep.
1939. soporific: causing sleep; also, something that causes sleep.
1940. sotto voce: spoken low or in an undertone.
1941. sotto voce: spoken low or in an undertone.
1942. sough: to make a soft, low sighing or rustling sound.
1943. specious: apparently correct, but not so in reality.
1944. specious: apparently right but not so in reality.
1945. spoonerism: the transposition of usually initial sounds in a pair of words.
1946. spoonerism: the transposition of usually initial sounds in a pair of words.
1947. spoony: foolishly or sentimentally in love.
1948. sporadic: occuring singly, or occasionally, or in scattered instances.
1949. spry: nimble.
1950. spurious: not genuine; false; illegitimate.
1951. staid: sober; grave; steady; sedate; composed.
1952. staid: steady or sedate in character.
1953. stanch: to stop the flowing of; to check.
1954. stanch: to stop the flowing of; to check.
1955. starveling: one who is starving or being starved.
1956. starveling: one who is starving or being starved; also, poor in quality.
1957. stasis: a state of balance, equilibrium, or stagnation.
1958. stentorian: extremely loud.
1959. stentorian: extremely loud.
1960. stertorous: characterized by a heavy snoring or gasping sound.
1961. stoic: indifferent to or unaffected by pleasure or pain; also, one who is stoic.
1962. stoic: indifferent to pleasure or pain.
1963. stolid: not easily aroused or excited; dull.
1964. stolid: unexcitable; unemotional.
1965. stormy petrel: a type of seabird; also, one fond of or bringing strife.
1966. stripling: an adolescent youth.
1967. stripling: an adolescent youth.
1968. suasion: the act of persuading.
1969. suasion: the act of persuading.
1970. sub rosa: secretly; privately; confidentially.
1971. subaltern: subordinate.
1972. subfusc: dark or dull in color.
1973. sublunary: situated beneath the moon.
1974. sublunary: situated beneath the moon; terrestrial.
1975. subterfuge: a deceptive device or stratagem.
1976. subterfuge: a deceptive device or stratagem.
1977. succinct: brief; concise.
1978. succinct: brief; concise.
1979. succor: aid; help; also, to help or relieve.
1980. succor: aid; help; assistance; also, to help or relieve.
1981. sui generis: unique.
1982. sunder: to break apart.
1983. sunder: to disunite.
1984. superannuated: discharged or disqualified on account of old age.
1985. superannuated: old; discharged or disqualified on account of old age.
1986. supercilious: disdainfully arrogant.
1987. supercilious: lofty with pride.
1988. supererogatory: going beyond what is required or expected; also, superfluous,
1989. supererogatory: more than is needed.
1990. superfluous: more than is wanted or is sufficient.
1991. supernal: being on high; celestial.
1992. supernal: being on high; celestial.
1993. supernumerary: exceeding a necessary or usual number.
1994. supernumerary: exceeding a necessary or usual number.
1995. supine: lying on the back; also, indolent; listless.
1996. supine: lying on the back; also, indolent; listless.
1997. supplant: to take the place of.
1998. supposititious: fraudulently substituted; also, hypothetical.
1999. surcease: cessation; stop; end.
2000. surcease: cessation; stop; end.
2001. surfeit: an excessive amount.
2002. surfeit: an excessive amount; also, to supply to excess.
2003. surly: ill-humored and churlish in manner or mood.
2004. surly: ill-humored; sullen and gruff.
2005. surreptitious: done, made, or gotten by stealth; also, marked by stealth.
2006. surreptitious: done, made, or gotten by stealth; also, marked by stealth.
2007. susurration: a whispering; a soft murmur.
2008. susurrus: a whisper; a murmur; a rustling.
2009. susurrus: a whispering or rustling sound.
2010. swan song: a final or farewell appearance, action, or pronouncement.
2011. sybarite: a person devoted to luxury and pleasure.
2012. sybarite: a person devoted to luxury and pleasure.
2013. sycophant: a parasite; a toady.
2014. sycophant: one who seeks favor by flattery; a toady.
2015. sylvan: pertaining to woods or forests.
2016. syncretic: uniting and blending together different belief systems.

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