Computer Science Mcqs

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Computer Science Mcqs for the preparation of NTS, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPSC, FPSC, OTS and other academic entry test and jobs tests.


21. “MPG” extension refers usually to what kind of file

(a) Image file

(b) Animation/movie file

(c) Both a & b

(d) None of the above


22. What kind of computer memory is both static and nonvolatile

(a) OM

(b) RAM

(c) RAN

(d) NAM


23. Who is known as father of Computer

(a) Charles Babbage

(b) Alan Turing

(c) Bill Gates

(d) Tim Berners-Lee


24. All computers must have

(a) Operating System

(b) Word processing Software

(c) Both a & b

(d) None of the above


25. What type of devices are CDs or DVDs

(a) Output

(b) Input

(c) Electric

(d) Storage


 26. What type of device is a digital camera

(a) Output

(b) Input

(c) Electric

(d) Mechanic


27. Which of the following terms is used to describe the starting point, or main page of a web site

(a) First page

(b) Links page

(c) Initial page

(d) Home page


28. Which of the following is not an Internet browser

(a) Netscape

(b) AOL

(c) WAN

(d) None of these


29. Which part is the ‘brain’ of the computer

(a) Keyboard

(b) Mouse

(c) CPU

(d) Monitor


30. Internet mostly uses for purpose of  

(a) Entertainment

(b) Business

(c) E-mail

(d) Chat


31. Which of the following is not a network command

(a) Ping

(b) Netcfg

 (c) Bill Tim

(d) BMW


32. The pictorial representation of the procedure proposed to solve a problem by a program

(a) Interpreter

(b) Binary Coded

(c) Decimal Interchange

(d) Flow chart


33. A set of 8 bits is called

(a) Byte

(b) Giga Byte

(c) Mega Bytes

(d) Birney


34. The capacity of a hard disk depends upon the

(a) High-speed motor

(b) Movement of read

(c) Number of disk platters stacked

(d) None of these


35. Which is the biggest company of Computer software in the world

(a) Google

(b) Yahoo

(c) Microsoft

(d) Oracle


36. The medium is used by input dives light pen for graphical input is

(a) Interpreter

(b) Binary Coded

(c) CRT screen

(d) Flow chart


37. There is a modem which can handle FAX protocols and also transmit data. What this data is called

(a) FAX Modem

(b) Data modem

(c) Both of them

(d) None of them


38. The translator program that translates each line of the source program as it run is called

(a) Interpreter

(b) Binary Coded

(c) Decimal interchange

(d) Flow chart


39. RAM is the acronym for

(a) Read after Memory

(b) Random Access Memory

(c) Read all Memory

(d) None of these


40. ROM is the acronym for

(a) Read only Memory

(b) Read over Memory

(c) Read of Memory

(d) None of these

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